Arson advice

23rd April, 2009 to 1st January, 1970


Date Thursday 23rd April 2009
Venue Units 6 & 7 Tweedale Court, Tweedale, Telford
Time 9:30am – 12:30pm

Shropshire Fire and Rescue invite you to come and visit us at Units 6 & 7 Tweedale Court, Tweedale, Telford between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Thursday 23rd April 2009. We will be offering free advice on how to prevent your business becoming an arson statistic. We will also be offering advice on how to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of your premises.

Arson is the largest single cause of major fires in England and Wales.
In an average week in England the cost of ARSON is £45,000,000.00 and results in:
1,600 deliberateley started fires
50 injuries
2 deaths
75% of businesses DO NOT recover from a serious fire

Fire - its your reponsibility now
Do you know what your legislative responsibilities are?
Do you Know how to prevent arson?
Have you carried out a risk assessment for your business?
Have you a disaster recovery/contingency plan?
No... need a hand?

Keep your Business in Business can help and its FREE
KYBIB contains all that you need to know about Arson reduction and the new Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO)