Craven Arms - Free Business Fire Safety Awareness Seminar

11th June, 2013
Session 1: 10am - 12 noon. Session 2: 2pm - 4pm


Craven Arms Fire Station (Lecture Room)


On 1 October 2006 a new piece of legislation was introduced into the UK to help safeguard all workplace premises from fire. This fire safety law is called the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. It replaces numerous other pieces of legislation and means now you have one set of rules to comply with, regarding fire safety.

To assist businesses meet this new legislation Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service is offering all businesses within Shropshire the opportunity to attend a free awareness seminar.

Seminar content

Our Business Fire Safety Team is committed to assisting companies to fulfill their legal and moral obligations in the workplace and with Fire Safety Officers present at the seminars for advice, you will receive information on:

  • how this legislation affects you
  • what you need to do
  • what to expect if a fire safety inspector comes to visit you
  • common shortfalls experienced during an inspection
  • guidance documents
  • any issues you may have relevant to your situation
  • protecting your business and staff to ensure business continuity


The seminars are held at fire stations across the county throughout the year. There are two seminars organised for this date, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, each lasting approximately 2 hours (one hour presentation and the opportunity to ask questions). These seminars will take place at:

Craven Arms Fire Station,
Ludlow Road,
Craven Arms,

There are a maximum 25 places for each session - if you wish to reserve a place please contact the

Business Fire Safety Team
Telephone: 01743 260 200
