Oswestry Fire Station Open Day

31st July, 2010
09:00 - 16:00


Oswestry Fire Station

Oswestry firefighters would like to invite all in the community to our open day to support The Fire Fighters Charity.

Poster screen shot

  • Raffle
  • Bowling
  • Ball games
  • Bouncy castle
  • Coconut shy
  • Wet the fire fighter
  • All day BBQ
  • Ice cream van
  • Teas coffees & soft drinks
  • Special appliances on show
  • Disabled facilities
  • ...plus much more!

Our Community Outreach Vehicle will be in attendance.

Also, there will be a charity abseil organised by the Rotary Club of Oswestry Borderland, with sessions running between 9.00am - 12.30pm and 1.00pm - 3.00pm. Please see the poster and application form below for more details.

So come and enjoy the fun... all supported by local companies.
