Shrewsbury Hospital water supply exercise

23rd September, 2012
10am - 2pm


Areas around the hospital

On the morning of Sunday 23rd September, staff from Shrewsbury and Prees fire stations will be working in partnership with Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Severn Trent Water Limited to test the supply of water to the hospital site from two new local fire hydrants. These hydrants are located on major water mains located on Somersby Drive and Gains Park Way.

It is expected that the testing will begin at 10:00 and may cause some inconvenience to local residences as a large diameter hose will be laid on the footpath on Mytton Oak Road, effectively blocking a small number of private drives to people’s homes. The hose will block the driveways of all houses on Mytton Oak Road between Bowbrook Cottage and Southview. The hose will be in place between 10am and 2pm.

Where it is necessary to do so, metal traffic ramps will be positioned on the side junctions with Bowbrook Gardens and Racecourse Lane, to allow traffic to move over the hose under the direction of fire fighters although we would recommend that motorists avoid the area and use alternative routes between 10am and 2pm.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have a legal obligation under section five of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 to take all reasonable measures for securing that an adequate supply of water will be available for the authority’s use in the event of fire.

We apologies for any inconvenience caused, but we feel it necessary to gather this vital information which is being used to update the water supply strategy for both the Royal Shrewsbury and Shelton Hospital in the event of a major fire or other incident on either of the hospital sites.

If you have any questions for require more information please contact Retained Support Officers Ashley Brown on 07792 328 003 or Mark Smith on 07792 38063.
