During the early hours of this morning occupiers of a property in Harmer Hill, woke to the sound of their smoke alarm sounding and the smell of smoke. They quickly all left the property and called 999.
2 fire engines from Shrewsbury and an officer were mobilised within minutes.
On arrival fire-fighters reported smoke and flames issuing. 4 fire-fighters wearing breathing apparatus and using 2 hose reel jets and a covering jet entered the kitchen to find the dishwasher alight. Once the fire was out a portable fan was used to try and ventilate the heavily smoke logged house. The fire damage was contained to the kitchen area only, but the smoke had caused damage to the rest of the house.
This incident highlights the need for working smoke detectors in your home. Thankfully the occupiers were alerted early enough for them to exit their house safely.
To offer some support the new Fire and Emergency Support Service vehicle was also mobilised to this incident – this is run by British Red Cross volunteers. They were able to offer the occupiers blankets a warm place to sit and a hot drink.
SFRS strongly advise that you do not put your washing machines, tumble driers or dishwashers on during the night when you go to sleep and also that you close all doors to your escape route before you go to bed.