Fire dogs



Request detail: 

 am writing to make a request for all the information to which I am entitled
under the The Freedom of Information Act 2002. Please may you provide me with
the following:

1. How many dogs were part of the fire service for each of the last ten
calendar years (2012-2022), broken down by job type. (eg. Fire investigation
search dog)

2. Please list the main breeds used in the totals in question 1. Please list
the most commonly used breeds first.

3. How many full time members of staff (trainers, handlers, officers etc)
were working in the service’s dog unit for each of the years in the same

4. What was the service’s total budget for each of these years and how much
was allocated to the dog unit?

5. Does the service have its own dog breeding unit?

I would like the above information to be provided to me in a table format on
a searchable document or spreadsheet.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the
information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12,
please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the
Act, as to how I can refine my request.

Response detail: 

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. I can confirm that Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has not had, and does not have, any dogs in service. We outsource this function to either the Police or another Fire and Rescue Service as and when requierd.

Information Released: 

(Not held)


Monday, 17 April, 2023


Monday, 17 April, 2023
