14 February 2007


Wednesday, 14 February, 2007




Severn Room, Business Development Centre, Telford



Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 20 December 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-259-2007-02-14-03 - CFA Minutes 20-12-06.pdf67.61 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the non-exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 25 January 2007. Attached marked 5. Reports 7, 8 and 9 from that meeting are attached (on green paper) as appendices to the minutes.

PDF icon pdf-261-2007-02-14-05 - S-R Non-Exempt Minutes 25-1-07.pdf235.02 KB
For information
06 West Midlands Regional Management Board

To receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB) Special Meeting, held on 1 December 2006, and agree the recommendations at items 58/06 (a number of these recommendations were considered, and agreed, by the Fire Authority at its meeting on 20 December 2006).

PDF icon pdf-262-2007-02-14-06 - WMRMB Minutes 1-12-06.pdf55.1 KB
For decision
07 Consultation on Revised Model Code of Conduct

On 22 January the Department for Communities and Local Government published a consultation paper seeking views on a draft new Model Code of Conduct for Local Authority Members. This report summarises the more significant changes proposed and asks the Fire Authority to delegate authority to its Chair, the Chair of its Standards Committee and its Clerk and Monitoring Officer to respond to the consultation on its behalf.

PDF icon pdf-265-2007-02-14-07b - Consultation on Revised Code of Conduct.pdf50.49 KB
For decision
07 Constitutional issues For information
07 Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups and Increase of Membership of Standards Committee

This report advises the Fire Authority of the need to reallocate seats on its committees to political groups, following by-elections at Shropshire County Council. The report also asks the Fire Authority to agree the proposed increase in membership of its Standards Committee from 5 to 6 Members.

PDF icon pdf-264-2007-02-14-07a - Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups.pdf70.54 KB
For decision
08 Member Champion Presentations For information
08 Asset Management and Procurement Champion

The Member Champion for Asset Management and Procurement, Councillor Lt Col Allen, will give his first presentation to the Fire Authority, which includes the Asset Management and Procurement Strategy for adoption by the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-267-2007-02-14-08a - Asset and Procurement Strategy.pdf108.8 KB
PDF icon pdf-267-2007-02-14-08a - Asset Management and Procurement Presentation.pdf437.62 KB
For information
08 Business Risk Management and Audit Champion

The Member Champion for Business Risk Management and Audit, Councillor Tandy, will give his first presentation to the Fire Authority. For information

For information
08 Learning and Development Champion

The Member Champion for Learning and Development, Councillor Davies, will give his first presentation to the Fire Authority. For information

For information
09 Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme, including Prudential Indicators

This report is part of the regular monitoring process undertaken throughout the year. It details the latest position on revenue and capital budgets, recommending action where necessary, and also monitors the Fire Authority's Prudential Indicators.

PDF icon pdf-270-2007-02-14-09 - Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme including Prudential Indicators.pdf39.74 KB
For decision
09 Please note that reports 10, 11 and 12 need to be considered together. For information
10 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme - Budget Recommendations 2007/08

This report brings together the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee of 25 January 2007, which have been incorporated into the report on the precept to be considered later on the agenda for this meeting. In addition, the outcome of the consultation process is reported and summarised.

PDF icon pdf-272-2007-02-14-10 - Revenue Budget and Capital Programmes Budget Recommendations 2007-08.pdf613.98 KB
For decision
11 Capital Programme 2007/08 to 2009/10 and Prudential Guidelines

This report presents the capital programme, as recommended by the Strategy and Resources Committee, in the context of Prudential Guidelines.

PDF icon pdf-273-2007-02-14-11 - Capital Programme 2007-08 to 2009-10 and Prudential Guidelines.pdf63.74 KB
For decision
12 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme: 2007/08 Precept

This report seeks Fire Authority approval to: a budget for 2007/08; Council Tax levels for 2007/08; and Precepts on billing authorities and related matters.

PDF icon pdf-274-2007-02-14-12 - 2007-08 Precept 3-1percent.pdf87.55 KB
PDF icon pdf-274-2007-02-14-12 - Tabled Document.pdf79.68 KB
For information
13 Annual Review of Charges - Special Services

This report presents proposed increases in charges made for special services.

PDF icon pdf-275-2007-02-14-13 - Annual Review of Charges - Special Services.pdf69.04 KB
For decision
14 Gold Command Cover within West Mercia Local Resilience Forum

This report informs Members about the proposed agreement with Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority to provide shared Gold Command cover across the West Mercia Local Resilience Forum area.

PDF icon pdf-276-2007-02-14-14 - Gold Command Cover.pdf52.49 KB
For decision
15 Retained Review Implementation

This report informs Members of the progress of the Retained Review Implementation Project.

PDF icon pdf-277-2007-02-14-15 - Retained Review Implementation.pdf432.15 KB
For information
16 Regional Fire Controls and Convergence Management for Firecontrol and Firelink Projects

The papers relating to the setting up of the Local Authority Controlled Company are now with Companies House. Discussions are underway with the Fire Control Board concerning insurance, legal and management issues of the new company. Discussions have also taken place concerning the funding for convergence, which has been received recently (£84,568 for 2006/07 and £129,163 for 2007/08) and how to take the project forward within a regional or sub-regional context with this grant funding. Suggestions about the West Midlands Region moving forward in the 'roll out' order have been refuted by the National Project Team, although the Region will be employing its regional Control Centre Director along with the first wave regions. There are no firmer facts to report at present. Officers will keep Members updated as new information is made available. Agenda paragraph only. For information

For information
17 Auditor's Report on the Best Value Performance Plan 2005/06

The Audit Commission has produced the Auditor's Report on the Best Value Performance Plan audit 2006/07.

PDF icon pdf-279-2007-02-14-17 - Audit Commission Auditors report BVPP - FINAL.pdf788 KB
For information
18 Best Value Performance Plan 2007/08

This report sets out the Fire Authority's statutory responsibilities to prepare and publish an annual best value performance plan. The report also identifies other related performance issues to be considered in the preparation of the performance plan. Most notably, this includes the necessity to identify by no later than 31 March 2007 improvement priorities resulting from the recent Performance Framework assessments.

PDF icon pdf-280-2007-02-14-18 - Best Value Performance Plan 2007-08.pdf52.89 KB
For decision
19 Audit Commission Consultation Exercise: Performance Assessment Framework 2007/08 and Proposals for Re-Categorisation

This report summarises key areas of the Audit Commission's proposals for the review of fire and rescue authorities during 2007/08, together with proposals for Comprehensive Performance Assessment re-categorisation.

PDF icon pdf-281-2007-02-14-19 - Performance Assessment Framework 2007-08 Consultation.pdf72.99 KB
For information
20 Falck - Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service<br />Staff Exchange Programme 2006

This report, together the appended Executive Summary Report, provides a precis of the Falck - Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service Staff Exchange Programme 2006.

PDF icon pdf-282-2007-02-14-20 - Staff Exchange Programme.pdf218.53 KB
For decision
21 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.

For information
22 Exempt Minutes 9

(Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7)

To agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 20 December 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Attached marked 22. For decision

For information
23 Principal Officers' Employment Panel

(Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

To receive the notes of the Principal Officers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 15 January 2007, and agree the two sets of recommendations at item 13: recommendations a) to c) and a) to e). Attached marked 23. For decision

For information
24 Strategy and Resources Committee

(Paragraphs 3 and 4)

To receive the exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 25 January 2007. Attached marked 24. For information

For information