16 April 2007


Monday, 16 April, 2007




Brigade Headquarters, Shrewsbury



Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence

No apologies for absence have been received.

For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the last meeting of the Standards Committee, held on 11 October 2006, and that they be signed as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-38-2007-04-16-03 - Minutes 11 October 2006.pdf39.82 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.
As agreed at the last meeting, the procedure for raising a public question has been set out on the Fire Authority’s website and can be found by following the link given below:
Public Participation at Meetings of the Fire and Rescue Authority and its Committees

For information
05 Ethical Governance Toolkit

This report advises the Standards Committee of the contents and purpose of the Ethical Governance Toolkit and seeks Members’ views on whether the Fire Authority should be recommended to participate in any of its elements.

PDF icon pdf-39-2007-04-16-05 - Ethical Governance Toolkit.pdf43.36 KB
For decision
06 Fifth Annual Assembly of Standards Committees

This report advises Members of the main issues discussed at the Fifth Annual Assembly of Standards Committees.

PDF icon pdf-37-2007-04-16-06 - Fifth Annual Assembly of Standards Committee.pdf56.34 KB
For information
07 Standards Board Bulletins

Attached, marked 7 and 7a respectively, are the latest Bulletins (no. 31 - November 2006 and No. 32 – February 2007) issued by the Standards Board for England, copies of which have been emailed to all Members (including the two Independent Members of the Standards Committee). As previously agreed by the Committee, the Bulletins are now brought to Members for discussion.

PDF icon pdf-35-2007-04-16-07 - Standards Board Bulletin Nov 06.pdf1.99 MB
PDF icon pdf-35-2007-04-16-07a - Standards Board Bulletin Feb 07.pdf1.06 MB
For information
08 Ethical Standards Bulletin

Attached, marked 8, is the Winter 2006/07 edition of the Ethical Standards Bulletin published by Borough of Telford & Wrekin. A copy has been emailed to all Members (including the two Independent Members of the Standards Committee). As previously agreed by the Committee, the Bulletin is brought to Members for discussion.

PDF icon pdf-36-2007-04-16-08 - Ethical Standards Bulletin Winter 2006-7.pdf755.71 KB
For information
09 Members’ Allowances

At its meeting in December 2006 the Fire Authority agreed its 2007/08 Scheme for the Payment of Members’ Allowances. One of the changes introduced relates specifically to allowances payable to Independent Members of its Standards Committee. Currently, the Scheme provides for an additional allowance of £50 for up to 4 hours and £100 for over 4 hours to be paid to the non-elected, Independent Members of the Fire Authority’s Standards Committee, should they be required to determine locally any allegations of breaches of the Code of Conduct (if they incur a financial loss or represent a small organisation, which would otherwise have to bear the cost). The Fire Authority has agreed with effect from 1 April 2007 to delete the words in brackets and insert instead ‘subject to application by individuals’.
For information

For information
10 West Mercia Independent Members’ Forum

The Fire Authority hosted a meeting of the West Mercia Independent Members’ Forum 26 January 2007 at the Shropshire Education and Conference Centre, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury. Patricia Hughes, Deputy Chair of the Standards Board for England, gave a talk about recent developments, including the White paper, and also about the workings of the Board itself. The Fire Authority’s Clerk and Monitoring Officer and Corporate Services Manager and Management Support Officer were present to provide support throughout the meeting. A copy of the draft minutes of the meeting is attached marked 10.

PDF icon pdf-44-2007-04-16-10 - Minutes - 26 January 2007.pdf56.4 KB
For information
11 Timetable of Meetings

The timetable of Standards Committee meetings for 2007 and 2008, agreed by the Fire Authority at its meeting in December 2006, is attached marked 11. Members are asked to note these dates in their diary.
For information

For information
12 Revised Model Code of Conduct For information
12 Consultation on Revised Model Code of Conduct

On 22 January Communities and Local Government published a consultation paper seeking views on a draft new Model Code of Conduct for Local Authority Members, responses to which were required by 9 March 2007. This report summarises the more significant changes proposed and sets out the Fire Authority’s response to the consultation paper.

PDF icon pdf-47-2007-04-16-12 - Consultation on Revised Code of Conduct.pdf88.1 KB
For information
12 Training in Revised Model Code of Conduct

Telford & Wrekin Council has arranged for training in the revised Model Code of Conduct to take place on Monday, 18 June 2007 at the Civic Offices, Telford. There will be two identical sessions: on in the afternoon and one in the evening, to allow as many Members as possible to attend. All Members of the Fire Authority, including the two Independent Members of the Standards Committee, have been invited. To date, responses have been received from half of the Fire Authority Members.

For information
13 Standards Board Roadshows

The Standards Board for England will be holding a series of roadshows during June to address the revised Code of Conduct. A flyer advertising the roadshows is attached marked 13. For information

For information
14 Annual Assembly

The Sixth Annual Assembly of Standards Committees will take place on 15 and 16 October this year at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham. Two places have been booked, one for a Member of the Standards Committee and one for an officer of the Fire Authority. It is proposed that whoever is the Chair of the Standards Committee at that time should attend. Members are asked to agree this proposal.
For decision

For information
15 Raising the Profile of Standards and Ethics

The Fire Authority’s Media Consultant, Elaine Adams, will consider with Members how the Committee might raise the profile of local authority standards and ethics with the public. For discussion

For information