18 July 2007


Wednesday, 18 July, 2007




Shropshire Education and Conference Centre



Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

To elect a Chair for the ensuing year.

For information
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.

For information
03 Apologies for Absence For information
04 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
05 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 13 June 2007, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-156-2007-07-18-05 - CFA Minutes - 13 June 2007.pdf56.49 KB
For decision
06 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
07 Appointments to Committees

This report requests agreement, from Members, for appointments to Committees and to confirm the appointment of Member Champions / Lead Members.

PDF icon pdf-158-2007-07-18-07 - Appointments to and Constitution of Committees 2007.pdf54.17 KB
For decision
08 Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders

This report requests Members to review and agree the Fire Authority's:
Scheme of Delegation to Officers;
Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business;
Standing Orders relating to Contracts; and
Financial Regulations Standing Orders.
In accordance with the Fire Authority's Standing Orders any amendments made will stand adjourned until the next meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-159-2007-07-18-08 - Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders 2007.pdf211.79 KB
For decision
09 Revised Code of Conduct

A revised model code of conduct for elected Members has come into effect following a consultation process. Before the revised code can apply to Members of this authority it needs to be adopted by the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 - Revised Code of Conduct for Members of Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority.pdf41.39 KB
PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 Appendix A Revised Code of Conduct.pdf72.61 KB
PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 Appendix B Revised Code of Conduct.pdf31.47 KB
PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 Appendix C Revised Code of Conduct.pdf30.67 KB
For information
10 Human Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 7 June 2007 and consider the recommendation at item 4.

PDF icon pdf-161-2007-07-18-10 - HR Minutes 7 June 2007.pdf36.56 KB
For decision
11 Member Champion Presentation

Councillor Dr Drummond, Young People's Champion will give her second presentation to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-162-2007-07-18-11 - Member Champion Presentation Cllr Drummond.pdf565.87 KB
For information
12 Member Development

This report details the progress in the area of Member development and proposes next steps for future development activity.

PDF icon pdf-163-2007-07-18-12 - Member Development.pdf49.01 KB
For decision
13 Flooding Update

Fire Control Manager Steve Jones will give a presentation on Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service's activity during the recent flooding.

PDF icon pdf-164-2007-07-18-13 - Fire Authority Flooding Presentation 18th July 2007.pdf1.35 MB
For information
14 Budget Monitoring and Prudential Guidelines 2007/08

This report seeks approval for use of the Fire Authority's General Fund balance, and also outlines key issues for consideration in its revenue budget monitoring for 2007/08. The report also forms part of the Fire Authority's regular monitoring process for its prudential indicators.

PDF icon pdf-165-2007-07-18-14 - Budget monitoring and Prudential Guidelines 200708.pdf50.29 KB
For decision
15 Annual Efficiency Statement Backward Looking 2006/07

This report submits the 2006/07 Annual Efficiency Statement for scrutiny by the Fire Authority. The return itself was required to be submitted by 5 July 2007, but any amendments can be notified to Communities and Local Government.

PDF icon pdf-166-2007-07-18-15 - Annual Efficiency Statement Backward Looking 2006-07.pdf39.86 KB
For decision
16 Integrated Risk Management Planning Members' Working Group Update

This report advises Members of the progress made by the Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) Members' Working Group (the Group) towards the implementation of the improvements required by the Authority's IRMP Action Plan 2007/08. It also asks Members to approve the recommendations made by the Group at their meeting held on 28 June 2007. Additionally, it seeks delegated authority for the Group to approve the draft Action Plan 2008/09 and commence this year's IRMP consultation process.

PDF icon pdf-167-2007-07-18-16 - Integrated Risk Management Planning.pdf221.36 KB
For decision
17 Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2007/08

This report provides Members with a summary overview of the Fire and Rescue Performance Framework for 2007/08, proposed by the Audit Commission.

For information
18 FiReControl For information
18 FiReControl Transition Governance - Roles and Responsibilities

This report informs members of documents issued by Communities and Local Government in respect of the proposed transitional process, transition governance roles and responsibilities and suggests a suitable response.

PDF icon pdf-170-2007-07-18-18a - FireControl Transition Governance - Roles and Responsibilities.pdf64.91 KB
PDF icon pdf-170-2007-07-18-18a Appendix B FiReControl Transition Governance RPT0697 Transition Governance v1.0 -c-.pdf141.71 KB
For information
18 Executive Summary of FiReControl Business Case

This report informs members of documents issued by Communities and Local Government in respect of the proposed transitional process, transition governance roles and responsibilities and suggests a suitable response.

PDF icon pdf-171-2007-07-18-18b - Executive Summary of Fire Control Business Case.pdf59.67 KB
PDF icon pdf-171-2007-07-18-18b Full Business Case Volume 1.0.pdf268.5 KB
PDF icon pdf-171-2007-07-18-18b Full Business Case Volume 1.0 Questions and Answers.pdf87.57 KB
For information
18 Nomination of Director

This report brings to Members' attention the need to elect one Member to the position of Director on the Local Authority Controlled Company that will be the management company for the Regional Control Centre.

PDF icon pdf-172-2007-07-18-18c - Election of Director to West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services Regional Control Centre.pdf26.72 KB
For decision
19 Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme 2007

This report provides an overview of the European Commission's Leonardo da Vinci Programme for 2007, and advises of the Service's recent success in securing funds to facilitate a staff exchange programme to fire and civil protection organisations operating within five European countries.

PDF icon pdf-173-2007-07-18-19 - Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme 2007.pdf57.96 KB
For decision
20 Corporate Risk Management Summary

This is the second Annual Corporate Risk Management Summary Report to members. These reports aim to inform members about the corporate level risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months, as well as summarising the risk environment in which the service is currently operating.

PDF icon pdf-174-2007-07-18-20 - Corporate Risk Management Summary.pdf230.56 KB
For information
21 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and of confidential information.

For information
22 Corporate Risk Management Summary - Exempted Information - (Paragraphs 3 and 4)

The Authority will have received an open session report (report 16), which summarised its current exposure to corporate risk. This report supplements report 16, as it contains information that is exempt from publication by virtue of Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972.

For information