20 December 2006


Wednesday, 20 December, 2006




The Shirehall, Shrewsbury



Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillor Davies.

For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the minutes of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority meeting, held on 18 October 2006, and that they be signed as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-289-2006-12-20-03 - Minutes 18-10-06.pdf46.97 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Standards Committee

To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 11 October 2006.

PDF icon pdf-291-2006-12-20-05 - Standards Minutes 11-10-06.pdf36.13 KB
For information
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 16 November 2006, and agree the recommendations at items 6.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 6 (the 2007/08 to 2009/10 Revenue and Capital Budgets) are contained in the green booklet and will form the basis of the discussion at item 16 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-292-2006-12-20-06 - S-R Minutes 16-11-06.pdf30.08 KB
For decision
07 Human Resources Committee

To receive the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 November 2006.

To agree the recommendations at:

  • Item 6 - People Strategy. Attached marked 7a
  • Item 7 - Disability Equality Scheme. Attached marked 7b
  • Item 12 - Member Development Plan. Attached marked 7c
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07 - HR Non-exempt minutes 21-11-06.pdf37.06 KB
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07a - People Strategy.pdf1.95 MB
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07b - Disability Equality Scheme.pdf633.32 KB
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07c - Member Development Plan.pdf33.37 KB
For information
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 7 December 2006.

PDF icon pdf-294-2006-12-20-08 - A-PMC Draft Minutes 7 December 2006.pdf36.1 KB
For information
09 West Midlands Regional Management Board

To receive the minutes of the WMRMB meeting, held on 27 October 2006 and agree the recommendations at items 49/06.

PDF icon pdf-295-2006-12-20-09 - RMB Minutes 27-10-06.pdf76.03 KB
For decision
10 Older People's Champion

The Member Champion for Older People (Councillor Mrs Swift) will give her first presentation to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-297-2006-12-20-10a - Presentation.pdf479.08 KB
For information
10 Young People's Champion

The Member Champion for Young People (Councillor Dr Drummond) will give her first presentation to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-298-2006-12-20-10b - Presentation.pdf1.87 MB
For information
10 Information and Communications Technology Update

At the last meeting of the Fire Authority it was agreed that Councillor Box, as Member Champion for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), should identify a list of issues to be reported upon in future presentations to Members.

Whilst the Fire Authority faces many challenges in the field of ICT and data management, the three strategic issues that represent a priority are:

  • Securing enhanced levels of resilience to the Service's existing Fire Control fallback arrangements, providing for business continuity, should the necessity arise to evacuate the Shrewsbury site
  • Managing effectively the transition, convergence and integration of existing ICT County based assets and data, to the nationally led Firelink and FiReControl projects
  • Addressing the current shortfalls in data and information systems, through the provision of a performance management/information system supported by robust management practices

If Members are in agreement Councillor Box will, therefore, give future presentations on the above issues. For decision

For information
10 Member Champion Presentations For information
11 The Regional Fire Control Centre and Local Authority Controlled Company

This report updates Members on the formation of the Local Authority Controlled Company and requests Members to reach agreement on a number of issues relating to the setting up of the Company.

PDF icon pdf-300-2006-12-20-11 - Regional Fire Control and LACC Final.pdf177.67 KB
For decision
12 Retained Review

This report informs Members of the progress of the Retained Review Implementation Project and seeks approval for re-profiling of future investment in the Retained Service to match latest recruitment targets better.

PDF icon pdf-301-2006-12-20-12 - Retained Review Implementation Update.pdf73.19 KB
For decision
13 Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation Results

This report advises Members of the outcome of an extensive three-month period of consultation on the Fire Authority's draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Action Plan for 2007/08, and recommends changes to this document as a result of that consultation. In addition, the report seeks approval for the IRMP Members' Working Group to progress the 2007/08 IRMP process to the implementation phase.

PDF icon pdf-302-2006-12-20-13 - IRMP Consultation Results.pdf1.03 MB
PDF icon pdf-302-2006-12-20-13 Presentation.pdf471.84 KB
For information
14 Review of Members' Allowances

This report advises of the outcome of the review of Members' allowances conducted by the Independent Panel on Members' Allowances.

PDF icon pdf-303-2006-12-20-14 - Review of Members Allowances.pdf97.94 KB
For decision
15 Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme, including Prudential Indicators

This report is part of the regular monitoring process undertaken throughout the year. It details the latest position on revenue and capital budgets, recommending action where necessary, and also monitors the Fire Authority's Prudential Indicators.

PDF icon pdf-304-2006-12-20-15 - Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme including Prudential Indicators.pdf41.09 KB
For decision
16 Revenue Budgets 2007/08 and Projections for Later Years

This report brings together the expenditure proposals considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee, updated for recent changes.

Copies of the Strategy and Resources Committee reports 6 and 6a to 6i (on green paper) are attached for information.

PDF icon pdf-305-2006-12-20-16 - Revenue Budgets 2007-08 and Projections for later years.pdf105.98 KB
For decision
17 Expenditure and Available Resources 2007/08 and Later Years

This report sets out the range of potential expenditure and available resources currently predicted in order that the Fire Authority can decide on its basis of budget consultation, prior to setting its precept in February.

PDF icon pdf-306-2006-12-20-17 - Expenditure and Available Resources 07-08 and later years.pdf30.25 KB
For decision
18 Falck Exchange Programme

The Assistant Chief Fire Officer will give a presentation on the Falck Exchange Programme.

PDF icon pdf-307-2006-12-20-18 - Falck Presentation.pdf3.27 MB
For information
19 Dates for Future Meetings

This report advises Members of the dates proposed for meetings of the Fire Authority and its Committees for 2007/2008.

PDF icon pdf-308-2006-12-20-19 - Dates for Future Meetings.pdf32.85 KB
For decision
20 Quality of Service Survey - Benchmarking After the Incident Survey 2005/06

This report provides benchmarking information to Members of the Fire Authority regarding the 'After the Incident Survey' conducted during 2006.

PDF icon pdf-309-2006-12-20-20 - Quality of Service Survey Benchmarking.pdf37.1 KB
For information
21 The Integrated Clothing Project

This report updates Fire Authority Members on the current position with the Integrated Clothing Project.

PDF icon pdf-310-2006-12-20-21 - Integrated Clothing Project.pdf24.73 KB
For information
22 Co-Responder Legal Case Funding

This report seeks the opinion of the Fire Authority in response to the request made by the Employers in paragraph 7 of Circular EMP/15/06 (attached at Appendix A to the report) that Fire and Rescue Services reconsider the manner in which case costs and appeal costs be shared in relation to co-responding.

PDF icon pdf-311-2006-12-20-22 - Co-Responder Legal Case Funding.pdf61.64 KB
For decision
23 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2 and 4.

For information
24 Human Resources Committee Exempt Minutes

(Paragraphs 1 and 2)

To receive the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 November 2006 and agree the recommendation at item 16.

Attached marked 24. For decision

For information
25 Phasing out of Long Service Increment - Update

(Paragraph 4)

This report updates the Fire Authority on the current situation regarding the phasing out of the Long Service Increment, following the decision of the Authority at its meeting on 18 October 2006. Attached marked 25. For information

Please note that Appendix B to this report will be tabled at the meeting.

For information