Item no. | Agenda Item | Details | Status | |||||||||||||||||||
01 | Apologies for Absence | |||||||||||||||||||||
02 | Disclosable Pecuniary Interests |
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or, voting on any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. |
03 | Minutes |
Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes, attached marked 3, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 13 Febraury 2013, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
04 | Public Questions |
Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public. |
05 | Audit and Performance Management Committee | |||||||||||||||||||||
05a | Minutes |
Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 7 March 2013, attached marked 5, and consider the recommendation at item 9, to re-affirm the Fire Authority's Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy without amendment. A copy of the Strategy can be accessed via the following link:
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
05b | Annual Report |
Members are asked to recieve and note the Annual Report of the Audit and Performance Management Committee for the period April 2012 to March 2013, attached marked 5b.
For information | |||||||||||||||||||
06 | Standards Committee Minutes |
Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 8 March 2013, attached marked 6, and consider the recommendations at items 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12, set out below. Where amendments to documents are recommended, additions are shown in bold italics and deletions struck through. Item 7 – Committee Constitution Item 8 – Review of Role Descriptions and Skills and Competencies Item 10 – Update on Implementation of the New Standards Regime Item 11 – Review of Protocol on Gifts and Hospitality Item 12 – Review of Protocol on Member / Officer Relations
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
07 | Strategy and Resources Committee | |||||||||||||||||||||
07a | Minutes |
Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 14 March 2013, attached marked 7a.
For information | |||||||||||||||||||
07b | Annual Report |
Members are asked to receive and note the Annual Report of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the period March 2012 to March 2013, attached marked 7b.
For information | |||||||||||||||||||
08 | Human Resources Committee |
Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 March 2013, attached marked 8.
For information | |||||||||||||||||||
09 | Fire Authority Work Plan 2013/14 |
This report, attached marked 9, reviews progress against the Fire Authority's 2012/13 Work Plan and puts forward a 2013/14 Work Plan for consideration and approval by Members. It also asks the Fire Authority to consider delegating powers to its Committees to approve various documents.
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | Update from the Chair of the Strategic Risk and Planning Working Group |
Following the Grant and Budget announcements of late 2012 and March 2013 the Fire Authority asked its Strategy and Resources Committee to find a further £1.2 to £1.6 million per year budget reductions to be implemented to enable a balanced budget by 2020. This short report, attached marked 10, updates Members on the work thus far.
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | Coroner's Rule 43 Letter - Shirley Towers, Hampshire |
This report, attached marked 11, sets out the recommendations made in the Coroner's Rule 43 Letter relating to a fire at Shirley Towers, Hampshire.
For information | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Fire Control Room Project Update |
This report, attached marked 12, provides a summary update regarding progress with the Fire Control project from both a national and local perspective.
For information | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Commercial Trading |
This report, attached marked 13, outlines a business case and busines plan, leading to the formation of a commercial trading company wholly owned by Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority. Please note that, as the business case and business plan are commercially sensitive, these documents will be considered in the closed session of the meeting.
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
13a | Variation to Capital Programme |
The capital programme approved by the Fire Authority in February contained a scheme in 2014/15 for the procurement of three new appliances at a total cost of £660,000. Officers have been informed that, due to new European emission regulations, the purchase price and running costs of appliances will increase for all new LGV vehicles bought after April 2014. It is estimated that each appliance will cost an additional £10,000 and running costs over the 15 year life will exceed an additional £10,000 per vehicle. In order to mitigate these additional costs, orders for the new appliances had to be placed by Monday 22 April 2013. As a result of this development, the Chief Fire Officer secured the approval of the Chair and the Vice Chair to bring forward the scheme for appliances from 2014/15 to 2013/14, to take advantage of these developments for the Fire Authority. This approval was sought in conjunction with the Treasurer and the Monitoring Officer. The Fire Authority’s financial regulations state that approval of the Authority should be obtained for this variation to its capital programme, and members are now asked to retrospectively approve the transfer of the 2014/15 appliance replacement scheme to 2013/14. No other changes are necessary to the 2013/14 programme in light of this change, and there are no revenue consequences of the movement of this scheme in 2013/14, as the scheme is to be funded from existing balances. |
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Local Government Act 1972 |
Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. |
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | Commercial Trading - Business Case and Outline Business Plan 2013 - 2018 (Paragraph 3) |
Members are asked to consider the business case and outline business plan, attached marked 15, which is the exempt Appendix to report 13. |
For decision | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | Appointment of Chief Fire Officer (Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3) |
This report, attached marked 16, asks the Fire Authority to ratify the decision of its Brigade Managers' Employment Panel on the appointment of a new Chief Fire Officer. |
For decision |