24 January 2006


Tuesday, 24 January, 2006




Brigade Headquarters, Shrewsbury



Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the last meeting of the Standards Committee, held on 12 October 2005, and that they be signed as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-87-2006-01-24-03 - Minutes of Meeting 12 October 2005.pdf27.41 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Procedure for Local Investigation of Referred Complaints

At the last meeting of the Committee Members approved a Procedure for Local Investigation of Referred Complaints but agreed that the reference to indemnities at paragraph 5.4 of the Procedure be deleted, pending a decision from the Fire Authority regarding indemnities (see section 7 of the minutes referred to at item 3 above). The Fire Authority agreed, at its meeting on 14 December 2005, that it take out Code of Conduct insurance for all of its Members and Independent Members of its Standards Committee. The wording of paragraph 5.4 has, therefore, been amended to reflect this decision and a copy of the amended Procedure is attached, marked 5. Members are asked to agree the amendments shown struck through and in italics.

PDF icon pdf-89-2006-01-24-05 - Procedure for Local Investigation.pdf32.98 KB
For decision
06 Dispensations

This report provides the Committee with information about the granting of dispensations to Members of the Fire Authority. It also suggests the format for a form to be completed by all Members, when submitting their request for a dispensation to this Committee.

PDF icon pdf-90-2006-01-24-06 - Dispensations.pdf28.77 KB
For decision
07 Update on Changes to the Code of Conduct and the Processing of Complaints

This report informs the Committee of the contents of the report “Standards of Conduct in English Local Government: The Future”, recently published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. That report sets out changes to be made both to the Code of Conduct for Members and the procedures for dealing with complaints that Members have breached the Code.

PDF icon pdf-91-2006-01-24-07 - Update on Changes to the Code of Conduct and the Processing of Complaints.pdf39.09 KB
For information
08 Update on Code of Conduct Training for Members

This report updates the Committee on further Code of Conduct ‘refresher’ training, which has recently taken place. The report also seeks views from the Committee in respect of training for the next municipal year.

PDF icon pdf-92-2006-01-24-08 - Update on Code of Conduct Training for Members.pdf26.97 KB
For decision
09 West Mercia Independent Members’ Forum

This report informs the Committee of the outcome of the most recent West Mercia Independent Members’ Forum meeting, held on 17 August 2005 at the Council of the City of Worcester. It also asks for agreement that both Independent Members of the Committee and/or the Clerk (or an Officer nominated by the Clerk) continue to attend future meetings of the West Mercia Independent Members’ Forum.

PDF icon pdf-93-2006-01-24-09 - West Mercia Independent Members Forum.pdf56.18 KB
For decision