30 April 2008


Wednesday, 30 April, 2008




The Shirehall, Shrewsbury



Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Progress with Transition to a Unitary Council in Shropshire

Carolyn Downs, the Chief Executive of Shropshire County Council, will provide a short update on progress with the transition to a unitary council in Shropshire.

For information
02 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillors Major Coles and Mrs Holyoak.

For information
03 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
04 Minutes

To agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 13 February 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-199-2008-04-30-04-cfa-minutes-13-february-2008.pdf60.01 KB
For decision
05 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
06 Standards Committee For information
06 Minutes

To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee, held on 18 February 2008.

PDF icon pdf-202-2008-04-30-06a-standards-minutes-18-february-2008.pdf33.73 KB
For information
06 Appointment of Non-Elected, Independent Members to the Standard Committee

This report recommends the appointment of two candidates as non-elected, independent members of the Fire Authority's Standards Committee.

PDF icon pdf-203-2008-04-30-06b-appointment-of-non-elected-independent-members-to-the-standards-committee.pdf28.59 KB
For decision
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 6 March 2008.

PDF icon pdf-204-2008-04-30-07-strategy-and-resources-minutes-6-march-2008.pdf35.3 KB
For information
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee For information
08 Minutes

To receive the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 13 March 2008.

PDF icon pdf-206-2008-04-30-08a-audit-and-performance-management-minutes-13-march-2008.pdf51.14 KB
For information
08 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter

The Annual Audit and Inspection Letter is brought to Members for formal approval. Please note that, although the document has 'Draft' marked across it, it is the final version.

PDF icon pdf-207-2008-04-30-08b-annual-audit-and-inspection-letter-2006-2007.pdf500.93 KB
For decision
09 Financial Monitoring and Review

This report, one in a regular sequence, informs the Fire Authority of the financial performance since the previous report, or in the last quarter, whichever period is shorter. It seeks approval for any necessary action, where appropriate.

PDF icon pdf-208-2008-04-30-09-financial-monitoring-and-review.pdf50.32 KB
For decision
10 Appointment of Clerk and Monitoring Officer and Deputy Clerk and Monitoring Officer

Sue Kembrey, the Fire Authority's Clerk and Monitoring Officer has recently taken up a new appointment and it is, therefore, necessary to put in place interim arrangements until such time as her position is filled at Borough of
Telford & Wrekin.

PDF icon pdf-209-2008-04-30-10-appointment-of-monitoring-officer-and-clerk.pdf26.68 KB
For decision
11 Lead Member Presentation

Councillor Allen, Lead Member for Procurement and Asset Management, will give his annual presentation to the Fire Authority.

For information

For information
12 National Framework and Equality Strategy

Officers had hoped to be able to present the National Framework and Equality
Strategy to Members at this meeting, as they were due to be issued at the beginning of April. An enquiry to Communities and Local Government has, however, revealed that their publication has now been delayed until the end of
May 2008.

For information

For information
13 Equality Standard for Local Government

This report provides Members with information and an update on progress of activity to meet the Equality Standard for Local Government.

PDF icon pdf-212-2008-04-30-13-equality-standard-for-local-government.pdf449.13 KB
For information
14 Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2008/09

This report informs Members of the recently published Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2008/09. The Plan replaces the existing Best Value Performance Plan 2007/08. The Corporate Plan will be supplemented by an Annual Report 2007/08, which will be brought before Members in June 2008 for consideration and approval.

PDF icon pdf-213-2008-04-30-14-fire-authority-corporate-plan-2008-09.pdf476.36 KB
PDF icon pdf-213-2008-04-30-14-appendix-b-fire-authority-corporate-plan-2008-09.pdf2.42 MB
For information
15 Integrated Risk Management Plan - Members' Working Group Update

This report advises Members of the progress made by the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Members' Working Group (the Group) towards the implementation of the improvements required by the Authority's IRMP Action
Plan 2008/09. It also asks Members to approve the recommendations made by the Group at their meeting held on 10 April 2008 and seeks delegated authority for the Group to approve the draft Action Plan 2009/10 and commence this year's IRMP consultation process.

PDF icon pdf-214-2008-04-30-15-integrated-risk-management-plan-members-working-group-update.pdf76.8 KB
For decision
16 FiReControl Local Authority Controlled Company

Full Business Case

Following feedback from the Local Government Association and other stakeholders, Ministers have agreed to release the next version of the full business case in June rather than March 2008, as was previously agreed. At this time it should be possible to provide information on current control rooms' operating costs and a number of other important assumptions, such as the staffing model, the facilities management contract and group services. A
business case Assumptions Review Group is being established to provide assurance that the assumptions are prudent and credible. The Group will be chaired by Mr Jerry Willmott, the Chair of Wiltshire Fire Authority, and will include other members of the Project Board, Senior Operational Group and the key delivery working groups. Representatives will be drawn from all nine regions. For information

Appointment of Alternative Director to FireControl Local Authority Controlled Company

This report recommends that Members appoint an Alternative Director to the FireControl Local Authority Controlled Company to represent the Fire Authority when its nominated Director, Cllr Allen, is unable to attend, thus ensuring that the Authority always has representation. Attached marked 16. For decision

Update Report from Director

Cllr Allen, the Fire Authority's Director on the Board of the FireControl Local Authority Controlled Company, will provide a verbal update on developments.
For information

PDF icon pdf-215-2008-04-30-16-appointment-of-alternative-director-to-firecontrol-local-authority-controlled-company.pdf51.93 KB
For decision
17 Environmental Management System Certification

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has achieved the ISO14001:2004 standard for environmental management for all activities at all of its sites.
Officers believe that this is first Fire and Rescue Service to achieve this certification. A copy of the certificate is attached, marked 17.

ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management and requires an organisation to assess and understand fully its total environmental impact, identify improvements and monitor their effectiveness.

Working to the ISO standard has enabled the Service to understand clearly its environmental impact and take practical and cost-effective steps to minimise harm, while continuing to provide services to the community.

PDF icon pdf-216-2008-04-30-17-environmental-management-system-certification.pdf278.47 KB
For information
18 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

For information
19 Retained Firefighters and the Part-Time Workers Regulations - Tribunal Outcome

This report informs Members about the outcome of the court case regarding Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations.

Attached marked 19. For information

For information