Human Resources

Human Resources Committee

21 November 2006

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
0 Notice For information
01 Election of Chair

To elect a Chair to hold office for the ensuing year.

For information
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair to hold office for the ensuing year.

For information
03 Apologies for Absence For information
04 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
05 Non-Exempt Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 12 July 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-65-2006-11-21-05 - Minutes 12-07-06.pdf27.64 KB
For decision
06 People Strategy

This report seeks formal approval from the Human Resources Committee of the attached People Strategy for Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-66-2006-11-21-06 - People Strategy.pdf933.3 KB
For decision
07 Update on the Progress of the Disability Equality Scheme

This report makes the Human Resources Committee aware of the progress of this scheme and the proposed arrangements for adoption of the completed scheme.

PDF icon pdf-67-2006-11-21-07 - Disability Equality Scheme.pdf25.02 KB
For decision
08 Updated Race Equality Scheme

This report seeks approval from the Human Resources Committee of the draft of the updated Race Equality Scheme so that it may proceed to public consultation.

PDF icon pdf-68-2006-11-21-08 - Race Equality Scheme.pdf585.08 KB
For decision
09 Shropshire Partnership Equalities Forum

This report informs the Human Resources Committee of the progress to date on this group, as requested by the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-69-2006-11-21-09 - Shropshire Partnership Equalities Forum.pdf97.31 KB
For information
10 Telford Race, Equality and Diversity Partnership

This report informs the Human Resources Committee of the progress of this group, as requested by the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-70-2006-11-21-10 - Telford Race Equality and Diversity Partnership.pdf556.34 KB
For information
11 Revised Health Panel Procedures

This report seeks the formal approval by the Human Resources Committee of the attached revised Health Panel Procedures.

PDF icon pdf-71-2006-11-21-11 - Revised Health Panel Procedures.pdf55.5 KB
For decision
12 Member Development Plan 2006-07

This report seeks the formal approval by the Human Resources Committee of the attached Member Development Plan.

PDF icon pdf-72-2006-11-21-12 - Member Development Plan.pdf59.38 KB
For decision
13 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of the paragraphs specified against them.

For information
14 Exempt Minutes (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

To agree the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 12 July 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

Attached marked 14

For information
15 Applications to Undertake Outside Employment (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

Report 15a informs Members of applications from Fire Authority employees to undertake outside employment, which have been approved provisionally by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee.
Report 15b informs Members of two applications to undertake outside employment, which have been brought directly to the Human Resources Committee.

For decision

For information
16 Request under Regulation 31 (the 85 year rule) of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

This report provides information to enable Members to consider a request made under Regulation 31 (the 85 year rule) of the Local Government Pension Scheme.

Attached marked 16. For decision

For information

12 July 2006

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
0 Notice For information
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 February 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-80-2006-07-12-03 - Minutes 21-2-06.pdf30.2 KB
For decision
04 West Midlands Regional Management Board<br />Resources Project Overview

The report of the Chief Fire Officer updates Members on the West Midlands Regional Management Board Human Resources (HR) project overview, following changes to the National Framework Document, including detail of the involvement of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service officers.

PDF icon pdf-81-2006-07-12-04 - WMRMB Resources Project Overview.pdf45.07 KB
For information
05 Introduction of Continual Professional Development Payments

Circular NJC/2/06 advises of the current position on the introduction of continual professional development payments.

PDF icon pdf-82-2006-07-12-05 - njc-2-06 Intro of Continual Professional Development Payments.pdf13.36 KB
For information
06 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1 and 2 (information relating to any individual and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual).

For information
07 Exempt Minutes

(Paragraphs 1 and 2 - Information relating to any individual and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)

To agree the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 February 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

Attached marked 7. For decision

For information
08 Head of Resources' Remuneration

(Paragraph 1 - Information relating to any individual and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)

The report of the Chief Fire Officer provides Members with information regarding the proposed change to the grading and remuneration of the post of Head of Resources.

Attached marked 8. For decision

For information
09 Redeployment of Operational Leading Firefighter

(Paragraphs 1 and 2 - Information relating to any individual and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)

The report of the Chief Fire Officer provides the Human Resources Committee with information regarding the first redeployment and pay protection arrangements for an operational Leading Firefighter on medical grounds and the associated savings achieved.

Attached marked 9. For information

For information
10 Applications to Undertake Outside Employment (Approved Provisionally)

(Paragraphs 1 and 2 - Information relating to any individual and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)

The report of the Chief Fire Officer informs Members of applications from Fire Authority employees to undertake outside employment, which have been approved provisionally by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee, attached marked 10a. For decision

For information
10 Applications to Undertake Outside Employment

(Paragraphs 1 and 2 - Information relating to any individual and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)

The report of the Chief Fire Officer informs Members of applications form Fire Authority employees to undertake outside employment, which have come directly to the Human Resources Committee for decision. Attached marked 10b.
For decision

For information

21 February 2006

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 1 November 2005, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-91-2006-02-21-03 - Draft Minutes 1-11-05.pdf37 KB
For decision
04 Member Training and Development

The report of the Chief Fire Officer asks the Committee to approve the amended Member training and development questionnaire and to recommend to the Fire Authority a process for Member personal development review.

PDF icon pdf-92-2006-02-21-04 - Member Training and Development.pdf92.99 KB
For decision
05 Co-Responder Legal Case Funding

The report of the Chief Fire Officer seeks the opinion of Human Resources Committee, in response to the request made by the Employers in Circular EMP/01/06, that Fire and Rescue Services share the cost of the impending legal action by Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire in relation to co-responding.

PDF icon pdf-93-2006-02-21-05 - Co-responder Legal Case Funding.pdf79.59 KB
For decision
06 Retained Firefighters and the Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations - House of Lords Listing

Fire Brigades National Employers Circular Emp/20/05 advises of the position regarding legal costs in the above case.

PDF icon pdf-94-2006-02-21-06 - emp-20-05.pdf13 KB
For information
07 Draft National Human Resources Strategy

The report of the Chief Fire Officer informs the Human Resources Committee of the draft UK Fire and Rescue Service Human Resources Strategy, written by the Chief Fire Officers Association, which has been issued for consultation. The closing date for responses is 15 March 2006.

PDF icon pdf-95-2006-02-21-07 - Draft National HR Strategy.pdf651.02 KB
For information
08 Response to the Consultation on Leadership and Development in the Fire and Rescue Service

The report of the Chief Fire Officer gives the Human Resources Committee the opportunity to comment on the consultation paper from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister on Leadership and Development in the Fire and Rescue Service.

PDF icon pdf-96-2006-02-21-08 - Response to Leadership Development consulation paper.pdf65.22 KB
For information
09 Next Steps for the Integrated Personal Development System

The report of the Chief Fire Officer updates the Human Resources Committee on the discontinuation of the Integrated Personal Development System (IPDS) Hub and the progress made to date within Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

PDF icon pdf-97-2006-02-21-09 - Next Steps for the IPDS System.pdf55.25 KB
For information
10 Personal Insurance for Firefighters

Fire Service Circular 4-2006 provides information on personal insurance for firefighters.

PDF icon pdf-98-2006-02-21-10 - FSC Personal Insurance for Ffs.pdf1.26 MB
For information
11 Firefighters' Pension Scheme

Firefighters' Pension Scheme Circular FPS 1/2006 provides an update on the development of the new pension arrangements and related matters and a question and answer briefing.

PDF icon pdf-99-2006-02-21-11 - Fire Service Circular.pdf133.11 KB
For information
12 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraph 1 (information relating to an employee).

The following reports are not available to the public by virtue of the above section of the Local Government Act 1972.

For information
13 Exempt Minutes

(Paragraph 1 - Information relating to an Employee)

To agree the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 1 November 2005, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

For information
14 Applications to Undertake Outside Employment

(Paragraph 1 - Information relating to an Employee)

The report of the Chief Fire Officer inform Members of applications from Fire Authority employees to undertake outside employment, which have been approved provisionally by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee, attached marked 14. For decision

For information


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