Progress on the Single Equality Scheme

There are 53 actions on the Single Equality Scheme (SES) to date: 1 has been completed since last review; 33 are in progress; 16 are not yet due; and 3 are overdue (to be reviewed by the Equality and Diversity Steering Group). A summary of some of the actions is given below: •The Discipline and Grievance training programme will be completed by the end of November. •Equality Impact Assessments are being completed by all departments. •The Lesbian Bisexual and Gay planning project group has met on several occasions and many organisations have now confirmed involvement and/or funding. •Gypsy and traveller training has been devised and will be undertaken at the end of 2010/ early 2011. •Dyslexia and Monitoring Brigade Orders are in draft and going through consultation. •Equality and Diversity (E&D) watch training has now commenced. •A presentation was given to the Fire Authority on the new Equality Act at its meeting on 4 November 2010. •The SES suggested E&D Champions for each of the Strands, the E&D Steering Group needs to look at this and more evidence is required of executive and Members’ visits, which link to E&D. •Members’ Engagement with Equality and Diversity •Performance against the Fire Service Equality Framework – Gap Analysis Actions and Outcomes •Progress on Equality Impact Assessments •Telford Race, Equality and Diversity Partnership Service Level Agreement 2010/11 and Payment The Committee is asked to note the agenda summary given.

Parent meeting: 

30 November 2010


For information

Item no.: 
