
Tuesday, 27 March, 2012




Fire involving electrical sub-station of main stand of football ground. 4 firefighters wearing breathing apparatus and 2 hose reel jets and dry powder extinguishers extinguished the fire within 24 minutes of attending the incident. Evacuation was limited initially to the affected stand (Rowland Wycherley Stand) but once assessment of the impact from the fire had been made the remainder of the stadium was evacuated. The evacuation was carried out in a very orderly manner; a credit to the Stewards and Safety Teams in place. A joint agency inspection and debrief of the incident will be undertaken to ensure that lessons are learnt and likely recurrence of this type of incident is reduced. Crews in Attendance after 6 Minutes. Fire Extinguished After: 24 Minutes Any further enquires please contact Shropshire Fire Control on 01743 260290.

Station ground: