Written Tests Explained

Behavioural questionnaires

Behavioural questionnaires are a multiple-choice asessment, which measures your typical behaviour and preferences in a work environment. The purpose is to assess whether you have the behaviours and attitudes required to undertake the role effectively. 

In the questionnaire, you will be presented with a number of statements about your typical behaviour at work. You will need to read each statement carefully and then decide the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement using the rating scale below. 

Depending on your responses, you may also be asked to rank particular statements in terms of how well they describe your typical behaviour at work. 

When responding to the statements, keep in mind the following points: 

  • Think about each statement and the extent that they reflect on your attitudes and behaviours.
  • Be as honest as possible and go with your initial instincts.
  • Try not to overthink your response as it may impact on your performance negatively.

The questionnaire is concerned with your preference at work and not in your social life. Therefore, always try to answer in the context of work.

Situational Judgement tests

The situational judgement tests assess your judgement and decision making skills in relation to situations relevant to the role.

In the test you will be presented with a series of scenarios, which reflect challenging situations that you may face when working as a Firefighter. For each scenario, you will be presented with four possible actions that could be taken. You will be asked to rate each of the four actions in terms of its effectiveness in addressing the scenario. The scale you are required to rate the actions on is shown below. 

Counter-productive Ineffective Fairly Effective Effective

An unacceptable action that will make the situation worse 

A poor action which will not help the situation  A useful action that will be of some help to the situation  A good action that will help resolve the situation 

The test does not require any special knowledge to complete. Your responses should be based solely on the information presented in each scenario. 

Example Scenario

It is 2am in the morning. Your Crew has been called to a nearby sheltered housing facility as the fire alarm has gone off. There doesn’t appear to be any signs of fire, but your Watch Manager advises you and some of the crew to enter the building, to make sure everyone has been evacuated. When you get to one of the rooms, you find a young man in bed. You explain to him that he needs to leave the building. The man appears agitated and says that he is not leaving as this is the fourth time the alarm has gone off in the past two weeks and he’s sick of having to get out of bed for no reason. Rate the effectiveness of the following actions: 

When responding to the scenarios, keep in mind the following points: 

  • Think about what the important decision-making criteria are in relation to the specific scenario. What is the main priority? What will a successful outcome look like? 
  • Consider the likely consequences of each action in relation to the situation. What will the impact be? Who will be affected? How are they likely to react? 

For further practice tests, visit: Candidate Preparation | Test Partnership