The county's fire crime officer today appealed for information after a pet cat was found dead after a double arson attack on an Oswestry block of flats.

The family cat was found curled up on a sofa which had been deliberately set on fire inside a store cupboard yesterday morning (wed) at a block of flats at Castlefields.

The fire was put out by fire crews at 10.30am after an intruder had got into the storage area to carry out the arson attack.

In a second similar Attack more

National Chip Week has the backing of Shropshire firefighters who are urging people to get a portion of our favourite food from the chippy or takeaway instead of cooking at home after a night out.

Fire crews are aiming their fire safety message at revellers who often feel hungry after a night out but set fire to their kitchen after putting the chip pan on – and then fall asleep in an armchair.

“We want to target our message to the age groups who go out drinking and then come more

telent Communications Ltd has again agreed to support the UK Firefighters Sailing Challenge as a Gold sponsor. telent's continuous commitment to the UKFSC started in 2006 and in recognition of this the committee has decided to rename the 2010 event "The telent UK Firefighters Sailing Challenge 2010".

The number of teams committed to the telent UKFSC 2010 currently stands at 29. These teams represent a broad section of the emergency services and include many who are new competitors more

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has won a top EU award for its excellent road safety work.

It was recognised as the best institution among those signing up to the European Road Safety Charter for innovative and successful schemes in the annual Excellence in Road Safety Awards run by the European Commission.

The Shropshire fire service beat nine other UK fire services to the title after all had signed up to the EU Road Safety charter.

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire more

Get a smoke alarm and test it weekly – that is the stark advice from Shropshire firefighters to avoid dying from toxic smoke in a house fire.

Just two to three breaths of toxic smoke and "you're unconscious," warned community fire safety officers at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service just days after a Shropshire student was critically injured after suffering toxic smoke inhalation.

"Toxic smoke affects your ability to breathe. It is a sensation similar to drowning," said Guy more

Children playing on an iced-up Shropshire canal, including riding their bikes, have prompted police to repeat warnings to stay off frozen lakes and waterways.

The latest incident happened around 1pm yesterday (Tuesday) when youngsters were spotted on the canal near the bypass bridge in Betton Road, Market Drayton.

A concerned local resident contacted police to say she saw two youths skating on the frozen surface. Officers attended but the youngsters had gone. Nearby workmen more

The Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia is advising motorists to watch out for ice forming on the roads as temperatures continue to plummet across West Mercia.

Adverse weather conditions are continuing to make driving conditions hazardous across the region so motorists are advised to check the local conditions before driving, be prepared and adjust their driving accordingly.

Motorists are advised to drive slowly and allow more time to carry out manoeuvres as these can take more

A wheelie bin may have been deliberately placed next to a gas pipe before being set on fire on a Telford housing estate, warned the fire crime investigation officer from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Derek Taylor said that both police and the fire service were investigating the "extremely dangerous" incident in Boulton Grange, Randlay.

A fire crew from Telford were called to the scene when the blaze from the bin cracked the gas pipe before leaking gas vapours set on fire more

Fire safety for families from Poland living in Shropshire was served up at a social evening held at a county fire station.

A number of Polish families who have now made their homes in the county were invited to Oswestry Fire Station along with four firefighters from the city of Lodz in central Poland on a European cultural exchange visit funded through the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme.

A key part of the visit was to help Shropshire firefighters to more

Arriva is helping Shropshire firefighters get over important fire safety messages this festive season.
The bus company has put up one of the brigade's warning posters - showing a child's teddy bears blackened by fire - free of charge on its Oswestry area bus.

The public message is for people not to drink large amounts of alcohol and cook - in a bid to prevent house fires during the festive season.

Rabinder Dhami, team leader of the community fire safety department at more


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