

Chimney Fire

Caldy Newcastle on Clun

Station ground: Clun

Monday, 25 November, 2019 13:11

At 13:11 on Monday, 25 November, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Chimney Fire in Newcastle on Clun.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Chimney rods
  • Short extension ladder
  • Small gear
  • Stirrup pump
  • Thermal imaging camera

This incident involved a chimney fire which was extinguished by crews.

The stop message was received at Mon, 11/25/2019 - 14:10

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Barn Fire

The Green
Clun Craven Arms

Station ground: Clun

Monday, 18 November, 2019 13:39

At 13:39 on Monday, 18 November, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Barn Fire.

4 fire appliances including the Light Pumping Unit were mobilised from Bishops Castle, Clun and Craven Arms. An Operations officer was in attendance.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Breathing Apparatus (BA)
  • Hosereel jet

Fire involving tractor tyres in workshop. Crews extinguished using two breathing apparatus and one hose reel jet. Fire has been confined to tyres only, and has not spread to the building.

The stop message was received at Mon, 11/18/2019 - 13:54

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Rtc Persons Trapped

Five Turnings Junction
Clun Knighton

Station ground: Clun

Wednesday, 13 November, 2019 22:02

At 22:02 on Wednesday, 13 November, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting that a Road Traffic Collision had taken place.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

Crews used the following equipment to deal with the incident:

Also at the scene of the incident were: the Land Ambulance Service and the Police.

This incident involved 1 vehicle. 1 person medically trapped, released using cutting gear. 1 appliance from Knighton was also in attendance.

The stop message was received at Wed, 11/13/2019 - 22:49

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Little Brampton Clunbury

Station ground: Clun

Sunday, 29 September, 2019 20:55

At 20:55 on Sunday, 29 September, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA.

1 fire appliance was mobilised.

This incident was a false alarm

The stop message was received at Sun, 09/29/2019 - 21:19

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Fire In Open

Newcastle on Clun

Station ground: Clun

Saturday, 7 September, 2019 18:57

At 18:57 on Saturday, 7 September, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Fire In Open in Newcastle on Clun.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

Reports of smoke in woodland area. Responsible person in attendance, no fire service action required.

The stop message was received at Sat, 09/07/2019 - 19:28

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Car Fire

Hurgin Knighton

Station ground: Clun

Sunday, 21 July, 2019 01:39

At 01:39 on Sunday, 21 July, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Car Fire in Knighton.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

1 car destroyed by fire crews used two breathing apparatus and 1 hose reel jet to extinguish

The stop message was received at Sun, 07/21/2019 - 02:28

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


St Georges C of E School
School Road

Station ground: Clun

Saturday, 6 July, 2019 10:02

At 10:02 on Saturday, 6 July, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA in Clun.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

This incident was a false alarm

The stop message was received at Sat, 07/06/2019 - 10:21

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Hospital Lane, Clun, Craven Arms

Station ground: Clun

Tuesday, 28 May, 2019 16:50

At 16:50 on Tuesday, 28 May, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as AFA.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

Reports of smoke alarm activation which proved to be a system fault

The stop message was received at Tue, 05/28/2019 - 17:16

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Chimney Fire

Lower Down
Lydbury North

Station ground: Clun

Thursday, 23 May, 2019 22:05

At 22:05 on Thursday, 23 May, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Chimney Fire in Lydbury North.

1 fire appliance including the Incident Support Unit was mobilised from Clun and Ludlow.

Fire in twin lined flue of Rayburn oven.

The stop message was received at Thu, 05/23/2019 - 23:21

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Car Fire

Clun, Craven Arms

Station ground: Clun

Saturday, 11 May, 2019 12:27

At 12:27 on Saturday, 11 May, 2019, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Car Fire.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Clun.

Reports of vehicle fire which involved fire in engine compartment of 4x4 vehicle. Fire crews used 1 hose reel jet

The stop message was received at Sat, 05/11/2019 - 12:42

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


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