

SSC Urgent

Tower Street

Station ground: Ludlow

Sunday, 5 August, 2018 02:13

At 02:13 on Sunday, 5 August, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as SSC Urgent in Ludlow.

3 fire appliances including the Aerial Ladder Platform were mobilised from Ludlow and Shrewsbury. An Operations officer was in attendance.

One male rescued from roof using the Aerial Ladder Platform from Shrewsbury,

The stop message was received at Sun, 08/05/2018 - 03:42

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Fire In Open

Radar Station
Clee Hill

Station ground: Ludlow

Saturday, 4 August, 2018 12:10

At 12:10 on Saturday, 4 August, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Fire In Open.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Cleobury Mortimer and Ludlow.

Fire involving grass and gorse. Crews used 2 hose reel jets and 2 breathing apparatus.

The stop message was received at Sat, 08/04/2018 - 13:10

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Corve Street

Station ground: Ludlow

Tuesday, 31 July, 2018 23:38

At 23:38 on Tuesday, 31 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as AFA in Ludlow.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Craven Arms and Ludlow.

False alarm.

The stop message was received at Tue, 07/31/2018 - 23:56

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


College Court

Station ground: Ludlow

Thursday, 26 July, 2018 08:06

At 08:06 on Thursday, 26 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as AFA in Ludlow .

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Ludlow.

False alarm caused by shower steam

The stop message was received at Thu, 07/26/2018 - 08:25

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

House Fire

Weyman Road Ludlow

Station ground: Ludlow

Sunday, 22 July, 2018 19:38

At 19:38 on Sunday, 22 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as House Fire in Ludlow.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Craven Arms and Ludlow. Operations and Fire Investigation officers were in attendance.

Also at the scene of the incident were: the Land Ambulance Service .

Fire involving Chip pan, out on arrival . Positive pressure fans in use

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Field Of Straw

Haytons Bent

Station ground: Ludlow

Tuesday, 17 July, 2018 14:59

At 14:59 on Tuesday, 17 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Field Of Straw in Ludlow .

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Craven Arms and Ludlow. An Operations officer was in attendance.

fire involving 1 pheasant shed 10x5m completely destroyed by fire.

The stop message was received at Tue, 07/17/2018 - 16:08

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Station Drive

Station ground: Ludlow

Monday, 9 July, 2018 06:30

At 06:30 on Monday, 9 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as AFA in Ludlow.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Ludlow.

This incident was a false alarm

The stop message was received at Mon, 07/09/2018 - 06:46

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Fire In Open

Ashford Carbonel

Station ground: Ludlow

Friday, 6 July, 2018 17:02

At 17:02 on Friday, 6 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Fire In Open in Ludlow.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Ludlow.

Incident involving 2 round haybales and 3m x3m of undergrowth.

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Rtc Persons Trapped

A49 Bromfield Ludlow

Station ground: Ludlow

Friday, 6 July, 2018 14:00

At 14:00 on Friday, 6 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting that a Road Traffic Collision had taken place in Ludlow.

4 fire appliances including the Rescue Tender were mobilised from Craven Arms, Ludlow and Wellington. An Operations officer was in attendance.

Crews used the following equipment to deal with the incident:

Also at the scene of the incident were: the Air Ambulance, the Land Ambulance Service and the Police.

RTC involving one saloon vehicle which has left the roadway and come to rest in a field. One female released from vehicle using holmatic cutting equipment, 2 further casualties.

The stop message was received at Fri, 07/06/2018 - 14:45

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Four Rivers Nursing Home
Bromfield Road Ludlow

Station ground: Ludlow

Tuesday, 3 July, 2018 01:42

At 01:42 on Tuesday, 3 July, 2018, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as AFA.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Craven Arms and Ludlow.

Crews from Ludlow and Craven Arms have attended call to AFA which was a false alarm due to a system fault.

The stop message was received at Tue, 07/03/2018 - 02:06

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


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