

Grass Fire

Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Sunday, 14 September, 2014 16:23

At 16:23 on Sunday, 14 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Grass Fire in Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury .

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Buckets of water
  • Knapsacks

Fire involving approximately 5 x 5 metres of grass and undergrowth. Fire extinguished using knapsack sprayer and buckets of water

The stop message was received at Sun, 09/14/2014 - 16:43

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Fire In Open

Mary Webb Road

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Saturday, 13 September, 2014 19:38

At 19:38 on Saturday, 13 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Fire In Open in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Buckets of water

Fire involving a small quantity of rubbish alight in the open, buckets of water were used too extinguish the fire.

The stop message was received at Sat, 09/13/2014 - 19:55

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Property Fire

Gains Park

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Saturday, 13 September, 2014 09:28

At 09:28 on Saturday, 13 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Property Fire in Shrewsbury.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Small fire involving electrical wall socket. Out on arrival of Fire Service. Nothing in use.

The stop message was received at Sat, 09/13/2014 - 09:41

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Abbey Foregate

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Saturday, 13 September, 2014 03:31

At 03:31 on Saturday, 13 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Shrewsbury.

False alarm due to apparatus

The stop message was received at Sat, 09/13/2014 - 03:57

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Tanker Fire

A5 westbound nr Preston Island Shrewsbury

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Friday, 12 September, 2014 20:32

At 20:32 on Friday, 12 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Tanker Fire in Shrewsbury.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Shrewsbury.

False alarm good intent. Smell of smoke caused by tyre blowout. Tanker intact.

The stop message was received at Fri, 09/12/2014 - 21:18

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Rutland Harlescott Grange

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Friday, 12 September, 2014 14:21

At 14:21 on Friday, 12 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

False Alarm apparatus alarm caused by cooking fumes

The stop message was received at Fri, 09/12/2014 - 14:38

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


A49 Bayston Hill

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Friday, 12 September, 2014 10:39

At 10:39 on Friday, 12 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Automatic fire alarms sounding. False alarm caused by fumes from cooking.

The stop message was received at Fri, 09/12/2014 - 10:54

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


River Bank
Sydney Avenue

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Thursday, 11 September, 2014 20:56

At 20:56 on Thursday, 11 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Fire in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Buckets of water

Small fire involving a rubbish bin, buckets of water used to extinguish. Also a lifebuoy on the riverbank was also involved in fire and also extinguished using buckets of water.

The stop message was received at Thu, 09/11/2014 - 21:04

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Galton Drive

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Thursday, 11 September, 2014 15:33

At 15:33 on Thursday, 11 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Flooding in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Crews investigating flooding from loft of property.

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Grass Fire

Upton Magna Shrewsbury

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Thursday, 11 September, 2014 15:15

At 15:15 on Thursday, 11 September, 2014, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Grass Fire in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Hosereel jet

Fire involving 40 square metres of grass and undergrowth

The stop message was received at Thu, 09/11/2014 - 15:35

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


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