RT @OFFICIALWMAS: Here's a few tips to follow as #EidAlAdha is celebrated... Please enjoy Eid safely and take precautions to make su…
RT @joolstom: Too many people have been lost to drowning. If swimming in open water, Please take safety considerations seriously.…
RT @lewisjames999: 16p4 mobilised to a bin fire last night @ St Martins Church Church Lane St Martins 20:33 hrs 1 fire appliance w…
RT @PHE_uk: Stay #WeatherAware in hot weather - look out for older people and others who may find it more difficult to stay coo…
RT @samaritans: If you're struggling and feel like you have no one to turn to, we're here. Round the clock, 365 days of the year, r…
RT @GOVUK: Wear a face covering whenever you are in an enclosed public place or where social distancing isn’t possible.
RT @SFRS_MDrayton: INCIDENT📟 Pump and ISU mobilised at 17:18 to assist our #Newcastle and #Stone colleagues from @StaffsFire with Comb…
RT @SFRS_Prevention: "Bedtime Checklist" Little things to do before bed...sleep tight 😴 📺 Turn off all unnecessary electrical appliance…
RT @TomHatfieldRE: Taking social distancing precautions seriously - HazMat and decontamination training with @SFRS_Wellington,…
RT @HealthwatchT_W: Today is the first day celebrating the Festival of Eid Al-Adha. Mosques have reopened for prayer and service, but i…
RT @NFCC_FireChiefs: Fabric and clothing with dried on emollient skin creams becomes flammable. Washing them at any temperature does not…
RT @NFCC_FireChiefs: NFCC is aware of 56 deaths involving emollients in England since 2010. In addition, six of the 44 fire deaths repor…
RT @PHE_uk: How to use a face covering safely: ▪️ Wash your hands before and after using a face covering ▪️ Place the face co…
AT 3.47hrs 30.07.20 crews were called out to a car fire in Weston Close Shifnal. Fire Investigation called out & co…
RT @MindCharity: For those of us with mental health problems, some of us may find masks feel very hard to cope with. But there are t…
RT @HoarderDisorder: Clutter Image Ratings are a pictorial tool which measures the level of clutter within a persons home. The scale is…
RT @NFCC_FireChiefs: Paraffin and non-paraffin emollient users who smoke are at greater risk of setting themselves on fire, due to resid…
RT @firefighters999: Welfare Caseworker Jason is here to share 10 ways we've been helping our beneficiaries & their families find their…
RT @PHE_uk: Hand washing is still really important to help protect yourself and others from #coronavirus ▪️ Wash your hands r…
RT @SFRS_Prevention: You can always fit additional smoke alarms in your home. Fit near sleeping areas & in rooms with electrical appl…