At 21.44hrs 22/04/17 crews were called out a quantity of clothing set next to a Clothing Bank on fire on Morrisons Car Park @TelfordCops
At 17.20hrs 22.04.17 crews were out to a fire inside a hollow tree in Admaston Community Cenbre Wellington @TelfordCops
At 18.08hrs 22.04.17 Shrewesbury Crews were called to 5m x 5m of rubbish set on fire in Fairview Dr Bayston Hill @ShrewsburyCops Ring 101
At 16.18hrs 22/04/17 crews were called out to Telford Langley School, 50m of grass & undergrowth set on fire @TelfordCops Ring 101
At 21.24hrs 21/04/17 crews were called out to a bin set on fire in the alleyway off Queen Elizabeth Way Mailinslee. Ring 101 with info
Crews were called out to two fires on Granville Country Park Donnington . At 19.37hrs on 21st (Pallets) 17.37hrs on 22nd (undergrowth)
RT @SFRS_Clun: After 31 years C/M Andrew Williams has retired from SFRS We would like to thank Andy and his family for his commit…
RT @SFRS_MDrayton: At 0914 the crew extinguished a large unattended bonfire in Walkmill Road, Market Drayton. Having a bonfire? call C…
At 20.28hrs 20.04.17 Shrewsbury crews were called out a fire in Condover controlled burning by owner. please contact our control
At 21.17hrs 20.04.17 crews from Market Drayton & Prees attended a caravan fire at Tern Hill. Controlled burn by owner
At 07.52hrs today Wellington crews attended a derelict property set on fire in Lincoln Rd Wrockwardine Wood Telford. Ring 101 @TelfordCops
At 16.41 hrs 20.04.17 Telford crews were called to 3 wheelie bins set on fire in Withywood Drive Telford @TelfordCops Ring 101 with info
Shrewsbury crews were called out to five bin and rubbish fires in High St, Mardol, Claremont Bank,Victoria Ave @ShrewsburyCops @ShropCouncil
RT @ShrewsburyTC: @shropsfire @ShropCouncil @ShrewsburySP @ShrewsburyCops @ShrewsburyCol @teamshrews Safety posters along the river p…
RT @SFRS_Shrews: This evening #BWSY & #AWSY took part in a water rescue exercise between Frankwell & Porthill suspension bridges…
RT @SFRS_TelfordCtl: #wwtc carrying out space creation techniques. #notjustfires
RT @SFRS_Scott_H: Shropshire fire and rescue service are supporting HWFRS tackling a major incident in Worcester ...
At 14.20hrs 19.04.17 crews were called out to a fire in a derelict property in Lawley Bank. @telfordCops. Ring 101 with info