RT @robrayner999: @mawwfire @shropsfire Exercise Defender draws to a close. Thanks to all crews for their support and enthusiasm.
RT @robrayner999: @mawwfire @shropsfire Exercise Defender testing water supplies from the 2 ponds at Powis Castle
RT @BBCShropshire: Firefighters offer advice on trip hazards in the home in Oswestry
At 10.23hrs today @PreesFire_SFRS crews dealt with a chimney fire in Prees. Please take care with chimneys, ensure they are swept regularly
At 07.18hrs 27/01/17 crews from @SFRS_Bridgnorth @SFRS_Wenlock @SFRS_Shrews & Tweedale attended a fire involving logs Bridgnorth Rd Brosley
RT @SFRS_Ludlow: Ludlow's Firefighter of the year is... Firefighter Shaun Harrison receives the shield from Watch Manager Glynn Davi…
At 17.17hrs 26/01/17 Cleobury Mortimer attended chimney fire in Church St Cleobury
At 19/16hrs 26/01/17 crews from Albrighton @SFRSWellington @SFRS_TelfordCtl attended a 2 veh RTC in Newport Rd Albrighton 1 person trapped
RT @SFRSWellington: Some more pictures from today's rescue of Pippa from a disused mine shaft near Highley. #animalrescue #fireservice
RT @SFRSWellington: Crews along with Cleobury have successfully rescued Pippa the lab from a 15m disused mine shaft
RT @SFRSWellington: A very cold day rope rescue training for Red Watch today. 🚒🚒❄️❄️
Crews from @SFRS_Bridgnorth Cleobury Mortimer & @SFRSWellington are currently engaged in an animal rescue in a disused mine shaft in Highley
RT @TelfordWrekin: Frost likely again tonight...we'll be out gritting from 9pm
At 17.33hrs 24/01/17 @SFRS_Ludlow crews were called out to a property in town when a plastic pot was left on a cooker hob and melted
At 22.54hrs 25/01/17 @SFRS_TelfordCtl dealt with 2 cars on fire in Chiltern Gardens Dawley Fire Investigation called out
RT @HighwayCodeGB: You MUST NOT use a hand-held mobile phone, when driving or when supervising a learner driver, except in an emergenc…
RT @cambsfrs: It may not be just the police you deal with when you use your phone whilst driving. #PutitAway
RT @ThinkSaferRoads: It's illegal to use a handheld mobile phone when driving... no excuses! Calls, texts, social media = All illegal!! #eyesontheroad
RT @jesip999: Now that's what we call embedding JESIP! Great day with @shropsfire today. Emergency planners embedded is clearly working really well.