At 19.26hrs 13/10 @SFRS_Shrews crews dealt with a cooker fire in Whitehouse Gdns
At 02.11hrs 14/10 @SFRS_Shrews & Baschurch crews dealt with a house fire in Frankwell 1 person led to safety, caused by unattended cooking
RT @ElecSafetyFirst: Want to see if any of your electrical items are recalled? Check our #productrecall checker, it could save your life!
RT @CrimestoppersUK: It's Hate Crime Awareness Week. No-one should face hate. Be inspired to stand up against hate:…
At 13.57hrs 12/10 @SFRS_TelfordCtl crews dealt with a deliberate skip fire in Blakemore @brooksidecops . @ShropshireStar Ring 101 with info
RT @SFRS_MDrayton: INCIDENT: Called to conifer trees on fire, Longlands lane #MarketDrayton 🚒Fire of doubtful origin @MDraytonCops on…
At 17.08hrs @SFRS_Shrews crews dealt with a tipper van fire in Uckington Atcham
At 17.58hrs 12/10 @SFRS_TelfordCtl crews dealt with a bin on fire in Laburnham Way Wrockwardine Wood @DonningtonCops
RT @FrsShrop: Completion of pumps and ladders training for shift based recruits. #ladders #hose #firetraining #pumps
RT @SouthShropCops: A male was arrested yesterday by local officers for making a hoax call to @shropsfire about a property fire in Lydbury North on 9th October
RT @ElecSafetyFirst: Cat saves owner's life after mobile phone charger fire #cats #mobile #charger…
At 18.14hrs 11/10 @SFRS_TelfordCtl crews dealt with a rubbish fire in a front garden of a property in Summerhill Sutton Hill @MadeleyCops
At 19.21hrs 11/10 @SFRS_TelfordCtl dealt with a fire in Lodge Rd Donnington Telford involving cabling @DonningtonCops @bt_uk @BTP
RT @SFRS_JT: Amber Watch @SFRSWellington @shropsfire carrying out a Breathing Apparatus drill rescuing casualties in the Tar Tun…
RT @ElecSafetyFirst: #Tumbledryers have been in the news a lot lately. Are you doing everything you can to stay safe? Our advice…
RT @CFOAfire: Clear advice from Samsung. Galaxy Note 7 is not safe - don't continue to use and power down the device
RT @TelfordCops: REALLY We need to stop fly tipping in Brookside, claim your estate back. Report any fly tipping to the council...
At 17.20hrs 10/10 @SFRS_TelfordCtl crews dealt with a mattress on fire Sutton Hill Skate Park. @MadeleyCops @ShropshireStar Ring 101
At 18.50hrs 10/10 @SFRS_Shrews crews dealt with a bin on fire Greenwood Ct Harlescott. Ring 101 with info @ShrewsburyCops @ShropshireStar