At 21.46hrs 16/09 @SFRS_TelfordCtl crews dealt with a property fire in Randlay Telford. Fire Investigation called @TelfordCops
At 01.01hrs 17/09 @SFRSWellington crews attended a property fire in Hurleybrook Way Leegomery Fire Investigation called out. @TelfordCops
At 18.50hrs 18/09/16 @SFRS_Shrews dealt with a small rubbish fire in the woods Shelton Rd Copthorne @ShrewsburyCops
RT @NorthShropCops: TRAFFIC ALERT - A41 Southbound Dual-Carriageway Closed due to Accident. Police, Fire and Ambulance still on scene. Please avoid area!
RT @SFRSWellington: Animal Rescue training with @SFRS_Ludlow this evening. Ensuring our response is safe and effective,great team effort
RT @DCFOESFRS: Drowning Prevention - CFOA - YouTube @RotherDC @BrightonHoveCC @EastbourneBC ..@EastSussexFRS #BeWaterAware
RT @marsa_man: If you are in #Shrewsbury this Saturday, be sure to drop in to the #multicultural fun day 12 noon to 4.30pm
RT @ShrewsburyPCSO: Please remember the dangers that lurk under the water if your thinking of swimming today #RespectTheWater
RT @ecadams: Don't forget annual electric blanket check. It's free in Shropshire
At 23.02hrs 14/09/16 @SFRS_Ludlow crews attended a deliberate wheelie bin fire in Weyman Rd, any info 101 @LudlowCops
RT @SFRS_Ludlow: At 18:10 Property Fire The Angel Broad Street Ludlow 3 fire appliances were mobilised.
RT @SFRS_Control: #GWFireControl @SFRSWellington are in attendance at a premises in Waters Upton at what appears to be a controlled burn @shropsfire
RT @SFRS_Control: #GWFireControl @SFRS_Ludlow are out again this time to a bin fire in Weyman Road, Ludlow @shropsfire @SFRSIncidents
RT @CFOAfire: Don't be tempted to take a dip - just because the weather's hot doesn't mean the water is. Cold Water Shock kills #BeWaterAware
RT @ShrewsburyCops: Don't forget some delays expected in Shrewsbury Town Centre between 1400-1500 for the Rifles Parade #shrewsbury
RT @SFRSWellington: Large Animal Rescue training and familiarisation of a large event @UKDairyDay for Red Watch today #Telford
RT @SFRS_MDrayton: It's #TestItTuesday! Get pushing those buttons!! #beep beep #smokealarmssavelives #staysafe #fire #999
At 19.00hrs 12/09/16 Oswestry crews dealt with a door and mattress set on fire in Oswald Rd Oswestry @OsCops @OswestryChron @advertizer
At 23.26hrs 12/09/16 Wem Crews dealt with a wheelie bin fire in The Grove Wem. Fire Investigation called out Any info call 101
RT @CFOAfire: For those going back to university or going for the first time, double check your accommodation has working smoke and CO alarms fitted