There are many different roles within Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, with this page giving a brief overview of their responsibilities, and how they can be identified.
Carries out day-to-day firefighting and fire safety work. A red helmet denotes that the wearer is trained to use the Rescue Tender. Firefighters spend this role in three phases which can last up to 3 years - Trainee, Development and Competant.
Crew Manager
In charge of the crew of a fire appliance. Carries out day-to-day fire fighting and fire safety work. Will attend incidents as officer in charge of an appliance and will also take command of small-scale incidents. Will also undertake specialist duties such as fire safety. A red helmet denotes that the wearer is trained to use the Rescue Tender.
Watch Manager
In charge of the watch at fire stations. Carries out day-to-day firefighting and fire safety work or junior work in policy areas. Can also undertake specialist duties.
Station Manager
Responsible for management of a fire station or day-to-day work in a specific policy area. Will take charge of large-scale incidents or undertake specialist tasks such as support at an incident.
Group Manager
Responsible for management of a group of fire stations or day-to-day work in a specific policy area. Will take charge of major incidents or undertake specialist tasks such as support at an incident.
Area Manager
Responsible for day-to-day management of an area of fire brigade operations or policy. Will take charge of major incidents or undertake specialist tasks such as support at an incident.
Assistant Chief Fire Officer
Responsible for Corporate Support. Will take command of major incidents.
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Responsible for Operational Service Delivery. Can deputise for the Chief Fire Officer, and will take command of major incidents.
Chief Fire Officer
The Chief Fire Officer is the head of the Fire and Rescue Service. Will take command of major incidents.