Request detail:
Please can you tell me the cost of the rebuild of Clun Fire Station and the total annual running cost (including any pension provision/liability).
Response detail:
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer below for the information requested.
The cost of the rebuild of Clun Fire Station is £638,179.
The new appliance at Clun cost £280,000.
The total annual running cost of Clun Fire Station based on April 2021 - March 2022 is:
Pay Costs £96,066.87
Electricity £3,170.16
Non Domestic Rates £6,861.25
Waste Disposal £147.73
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/Firekit rental maintenance and repairs £1,361.11
Appliance fuel costs £1,132.59
Appliance maintenance costs £3,309.57
I trust this answers your request.