Road safety

Partnership urges motorists to ‘Belt up’

Some motorists can probably remember those memorable adverts; ‘clunk-click with every trip’ in the 1970’s encouraging people to wear their seatbelts. It has been the law for drivers and front seat passengers to wear their seat belts since 1983, with rear passenger under 14 being required to wear them by law since 1989 and adult rear passengers since 1991.

Motorists urged to take on winter weather warning advice

Despite warnings last week of the onset of snow and ice causing challenging road conditions in places, West Mercia Police have still seen a number of road traffic collisions over the weekend that have been attributed to the bad weather. With freezing fog, heavy frosts and icy conditions still forecast over the coming week, the Partnership and West Mercia Police wish to remind people to exercise caution when travelling on affected routes throughout the region.

Take a few minutes to pack an ‘Emergency Kit’

With temperatures due to plummet even further and snow forecast over the weekend, it is even more important for motorists to be prepared to deal with the challenges of travelling in bad weather conditions. The Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia is advising motorists to take a few moments to pack an ‘Emergency Kit’ in their car in case of roadside breakdown or delay.

Almost 200 emergency calls for fire service in December

The Christmas holiday has been a busy time for staff at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Permanently on call at the county’s 23 fire stations, they have dealt with a total of 193 calls since the beginning of December, reported Deputy Chief Fire Officer John Redmond.

Fire crews were involved in a number of severe incidents including:

Drive Drink free this Christmas

The Safer Roads Partnership are today warning people of the dangers of drink driving during the festive period. With the season of festivities now underway the Partnership, together with West Mercia Police and other agencies, will be raising awareness of the consequences of drinking and driving.

The Partnership will be joining forces with other partnerships, local authorities and police forces across the Midlands region to launch a huge publicity campaign to raise awareness of the issues.

Drivers urged to take care as darker nights draw in

The Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia are today reminding road users to take extra care on the roads as the clocks change this weekend.

As nights get darker it is increasingly more difficult for motorists to see other road users. Pedestrians are being encouraged to think about their presence on the roads and wear high visibility clothing and reflective material and to always use pedestrian crossings where possible. Cyclists should also think about their clothing and ensure their bike is in good working condition and carries front and rear lights.

Traffic disaster tests 999 crews

A large scale traffic pile up on a county road put Shropshire’s emergency services to the test during a major training exercise last night involving up to 50 firefighters, police and ambulance personnel. (Thursday Oct 6th)

A total of nine people were injured in a six vehicle pile-up – but it was all a vivid re-enaction as part of a multi agency exercise organised by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Trapped inside crushed cars strewn across a road were “victims” played by St John’s Ambulance volunteers to test the reactions of 999 crews.

Drivers warned about rural roads

The Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia are today warning motorists of the dangers that may be present during this time of year as farmers are using the roads more when harvesting and moving their produce.

Agriculture is one of Shropshire’s major industries and harvesting a wide variety of crops at this time of the year sees an increase in agricultural vehicles on the road. The Partnership is reminding farmers that leaving mud and debris on the road is an offence under the Highways Act and is a potential hazard to other road users.


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