Driving licences



Request detail: 

I’d like to request information from the service which relates to employees (within the fire service) who have lost their driving license through drink driving.

Going as far back as possible to the present day,

1. the number of employees (operational and non-operational), who have had their driving licence revoked due to drink driving  

2. what disciplinary action, if any, was taken against those individuals.

Again, I’m only interested in statistics not any information which would identify an individual.

Response detail: 

1. Nil Return - Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service only record if individuals have had their driving licence revoked due to drink driving if driving is a requirement of the role.  

2. From 01 January 2015 Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have taken no disciplinary action against an individual who has had their licence revoked due to drink driving.

Information Released: 



Monday, 9 May, 2022


Monday, 6 June, 2022
