Short extension ladder

Fire In Open

School Road
Donnington Telford

Station ground: Wellington

Tuesday, 5 September, 2023 04:39

At 04:39 on Tuesday, 5 September, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Fire In Open.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Wellington.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Hosereel jet
  • Short extension ladder

Also at the scene of the incident were: the Police.

Fire involving hedgerow. Crews used one hose reel jet to extinguish the fire.

The stop message was received at Tue, 09/05/2023 - 05:03

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Burton Borough School

Station ground: Newport

Wednesday, 30 August, 2023 14:17

At 14:17 on Wednesday, 30 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Newport.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Short extension ladder
  • Small gear
  • Thermal imaging camera

Automatic fire alarm no sign of fire, incident caused by workmen felting the roof, crews used a short extension ladder, small tools and a thermal imaging camera to check for hotspots, advice was given

The stop message was received at Wed, 08/30/2023 - 15:06

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Telford Shopping Centre Telford

Station ground: Telford Central

Tuesday, 29 August, 2023 05:59

At 05:59 on Tuesday, 29 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA in Telford.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Telford Central and Tweedale.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Short extension ladder
  • Thermal imaging camera

This incident was a false alarm caused by a failure in lighting activating alarm

The stop message was received at Tue, 08/29/2023 - 06:54

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Simmonds Transport Ltd
Stafford Park 11

Station ground: Telford Central

Tuesday, 29 August, 2023 00:44

At 00:44 on Tuesday, 29 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA in Telford.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Telford Central.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Short extension ladder
  • Thermal imaging camera

This incident was a false alarm caused by a system fault

The stop message was received at Tue, 08/29/2023 - 01:25

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Jewsons Wem

Station ground: Wem

Monday, 28 August, 2023 04:02

At 04:02 on Monday, 28 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as AFA in Wem.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Wem.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Short extension ladder
  • Thermal imaging camera

This incident was a false alarm. Thorough investigation carried out by crew.

The stop message was received at Mon, 08/28/2023 - 04:45

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Gas Leak

Middlegate Shrewsbury

Station ground: Shrewsbury

Thursday, 10 August, 2023 08:10

At 08:10 on Thursday, 10 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Gas Leak in Shrewsbury.

1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.

Attending crews used the following equipment:

Also at the scene of the incident were: a utility company.

Boiler confirmed to be defective in property that had caused the carbon monoxide detector to activate.

The stop message was received at Thu, 08/10/2023 - 09:55

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


Castle Square

Station ground: Ludlow

Monday, 7 August, 2023 05:58

At 05:58 on Monday, 7 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as AFA in Ludlow.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Craven Arms and Ludlow.

Attending crews used the following equipment:

AFA, this incident was a false alarm.

The stop message was received at Mon, 08/07/2023 - 06:37

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Shed Fire

Middleton Priors

Station ground: Bridgnorth

Saturday, 5 August, 2023 11:57

At 11:57 on Saturday, 5 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Shed Fire in Bridgnorth.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Bridgnorth and Much Wenlock. An Operations officer was in attendance.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Breathing Apparatus (BA)
  • Hosereel jet
  • Rakes, shovels, mathooks
  • Short extension ladder
  • Thermal imaging camera

This incident involved straw on fire in lean to of a dwelling. Crews used two hose reel jets, two breathing apparatus, a short extension ladder, a thermal imaging camera and rakes to extinguish.

The stop message was received at Sat, 08/05/2023 - 12:43

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

House Fire

Pepper Street

Station ground: Wem

Friday, 4 August, 2023 10:42

At 10:42 on Friday, 4 August, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as House Fire in Wem.

2 fire appliances were mobilised from Wem and Whitchurch. An Operations officer was in attendance.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Breathing Apparatus (BA)
  • Covering jet
  • Hosereel jet
  • Short extension ladder

Fire involving out house attached to house, crews used two hose reel jets, four breathing apparatus, one covering jet and a short extension ladder to extinguish.

The stop message was received at Fri, 08/04/2023 - 12:06

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.

Property Fire

Barns Lane

Station ground: Hodnet

Monday, 31 July, 2023 19:07

At 19:07 on Monday, 31 July, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Property Fire.

3 fire appliances were mobilised from Hodnet, Market Drayton and Prees. An Operations officer was in attendance.

Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:

  • Breathing Apparatus (BA)
  • Hosereel jet
  • Short extension ladder
  • Small gear

This incident involved 1 out house 45% destroyed by fire. Crews extinguished using 2 breathing apparatus, 2 hose reel jets and small gear.

The stop message was received at Mon, 07/31/2023 - 20:46

Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.


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