Short extension ladder
House Fire
Croft Gardens
Station ground: Wellington
Monday, 19 June, 2023 09:29
At 09:29 on Monday, 19 June, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as House Fire in Telford.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Telford Central and Wellington.
Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:
- Hosereel jet
- Short extension ladder
Small fire on electric hob within property. Crews used one hose reel jet to extinguish.
The stop message was received at Mon, 06/19/2023 - 09:45
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
Flood Affecting Electrics
Charter Court
Market Drayton
Station ground: Market Drayton
Sunday, 18 June, 2023 10:59
At 10:59 on Sunday, 18 June, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Flood Affecting Electrics in Market Drayton.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Market Drayton.
Attending crews used the following equipment:
Leak in hot water system, stemmed by crews using small gear and a short extension ladder. Advice given.
The stop message was received at Sun, 06/18/2023 - 11:49
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
Property Fire
Fire Away Pizza
Station ground: Shrewsbury
Saturday, 17 June, 2023 11:50
At 11:50 on Saturday, 17 June, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as Property Fire in Shrewsbury.
2 fire appliances were mobilised from Shrewsbury. An Operations officer was in attendance.
Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:
- Short extension ladder
- Small gear
- Thermal imaging camera
Fire in extraction flue from pizza oven due to malfunction from fan system. Crews removed fan using small gear and short extension ladder.
The stop message was received at Sat, 06/17/2023 - 12:51
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
Animal Rescue
Shavington Park
Market Drayton
Station ground: Market Drayton
Tuesday, 13 June, 2023 09:49
At 09:49 on Tuesday, 13 June, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Animal Rescue.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Market Drayton.
Attending crews used the following equipment:
Crews attended to rescue 1 cat believed to be stuck in chimney. No animal located.
The stop message was received at Tue, 06/13/2023 - 10:52
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
SSC Non Urgent
Greenacres Way
Station ground: Newport
Thursday, 1 June, 2023 09:18
At 09:18 on Thursday, 1 June, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as SSC Non Urgent in Newport.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Newport.
Attending crews used the following equipment:
Child locked in bathroom released using short extension ladder.
The stop message was received at Thu, 06/01/2023 - 09:17
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
House Fire
Oaklands Drive
Station ground: Wellington
Monday, 15 May, 2023 06:08
At 06:08 on Monday, 15 May, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as House Fire in Telford.
4 fire appliances including the Aerial Ladder Platform were mobilised from Shrewsbury, Telford Central and Wellington. An Operations officer was in attendance.
Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:
- Breathing Apparatus (BA)
- Hosereel jet
- Main jet
- Short extension ladder
Fire involving 1 semi detached property. First floor and roof space involved in fire. Crews using breathing apparatus and hose reel jets to extinguish the fire.
The stop message was received at Mon, 05/15/2023 - 08:33
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
SSC Urgent
Severn Valley Park
Station ground: Cleobury Mortimer
Saturday, 13 May, 2023 17:58
At 17:58 on Saturday, 13 May, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting a fire classified as SSC Urgent in Highley.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Cleobury Mortimer.
Crews used the following equipment to tackle the fire:
- Short extension ladder
1 x child stuck waist high in muddy ground. Crews used short extension ladder to to release the child.
The stop message was received at Sat, 05/13/2023 - 18:33
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
Effect Entry
Station ground: Wellington
Sunday, 2 April, 2023 04:01
At 04:01 on Sunday, 2 April, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Effect Entry in Telford.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Wellington.
Attending crews used the following equipment:
Also at the scene of the incident were: the Land Ambulance Service .
Assisting Ambulance Service personnel.
The stop message was received at Sun, 04/02/2023 - 04:24
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
Effect Entry
Meadow Farm Drive
Station ground: Shrewsbury
Wednesday, 29 March, 2023 20:13
At 20:13 on Wednesday, 29 March, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as Effect Entry in Shrewsbury.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Shrewsbury.
Attending crews used the following equipment:
Assisting Ambulance Service personnel.
The stop message was received at Wed, 03/29/2023 - 20:37
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.
SSC Urgent
Wingate Way
Park Meadow
Station ground: Oswestry
Wednesday, 1 March, 2023 11:08
At 11:08 on Wednesday, 1 March, 2023, SFRS Fire Control received a call reporting an incident classified as SSC Urgent in Oswestry.
1 fire appliance was mobilised from Oswestry.
Attending crews used the following equipment:
One child released from bedroom
The stop message was received at Wed, 03/01/2023 - 11:38
Issued by Fire Control at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. Telephone 01743 260290. Please check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for other announcements.