Firefighter maternity leave pay



Request detail: 

We would like to receive data relating to maternity leave pay made by your fire and rescue service, the below questions cover the 52 week period (Ordinary Maternity Leave and Additional Maternity Leave):

  1. What pay does a firefighter receive for first 6 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?
  2. What pay does a firefighter receive for the next 12 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?
  3. What pay does a firefighter receive during for the next 21 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?
  4. What pay does a firefighter receive during for the remaining 13 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?
  5. As of 01/07/23 the salary for a competent firefighter is £36,226, what pay would a firefighter receive for 12 months maternity leave? Please can you state a numerical figure with a corresponding breakdown.
  6. Attach a copy of your most recent FRS maternity policy.

We would prefer to receive this information in electronic form.

Response detail: 

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer below and to the attached for the information requested.

Q1. What pay does a firefighter receive for first 6 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

1 – If less than 26 weeks service - they receive nothing.

2 – More than 26 weeks service but less than 1 Year – they receive 90% of their normal pay.

3 - More than 1 Years Service – Full Pay


Q2. What pay does a firefighter receive for the next 12 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

1 - If less than 26 weeks service - they receive nothing.

2 – More than 26 weeks service but less than 1 Year – they receive SMP rate or 90% of weekly pay if this is less

3 - More than 1 Years Service – Full Pay


Q3.What pay does a firefighter receive during for the next 21 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

1 - If less than 26 weeks service - they receive nothing.

2 – More than 26 weeks service but less than 1 Year – they receive SMP rate or 90% of weekly pay if this is less up to and including 33 weeks

3 - More than 1 Years Service – Full Pay up to and including 26 weeks, then 6 weeks half pay.


Q4. What pay does a firefighter receive during for the remaining 13 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

1 - If less than 26 weeks service - they receive nothing.

2 – More than 26 weeks service but less than 1 Year – they receive nothing.

3 - More than 1 Years Service – they receive Half Pay for 6 weeks, 7 weeks at SMP rate or 90% of weekly pay if this is less and 5 weeks unpaid.


Q5. As of 01/07/23 the salary for a competent firefighter is £36,226, what pay would a firefighter receive for 12 months maternity leave? Please can you state a numerical figure with a corresponding breakdown

Assuming the firefighter has been employed for more than a year = £27,607.48

 Made up of:

 26 weeks at Full Pay = £18,063.24

12 weeks at ½ Pay = £8,336.88

7 weeks at SMP = £1,207.36

5 weeks at Nil Pay


Q6 - please refer to the attached policy. 

Information Released: 



Thursday, 19 October, 2023


Thursday, 16 November, 2023

