Incident and emergency response

Requests relating to operational incidents including statistics on attendance times.



Thursday, 17 February, 2022


Thursday, 17 March, 2022

Request detail: 

  1. What percentage of requests for fire safety checks in private dwellings are hoarding related?
  2. How many properties are registered as being a fire or safety risk due to hoarding?
  3. Last year (or the most recent full year), how many incidents and fatalities were recorded where hoarding was a contributing factor?

Heritage Building Fires


Tuesday, 8 February, 2022


Monday, 7 March, 2022

Request detail: 

Last year I sent you a request to your FRS to confirm the number of incidents that have occurred within your authority to the heritage-built environment for 2020.  I would respectively request similar data for 2021. We are still losing heritage buildings at an alarming rate with the loss to the nation currently unknown as there are currently no statistics produced detailing the number of fires of where, when or how they are occurring.

Emergency Calls by Students


Monday, 7 February, 2022


Tuesday, 1 March, 2022

Request detail: 

I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information relating to the number of times emergency fire and rescue services have been called by students after the beginning of the pandemic. We are requesting information from every fire service in the UK. 

  1. Emergency calls made by students: 

A.     The number of times fire/rescue services in your region were called  by a university student since the beginning of September 2020. 

E-Scooter Fires


Tuesday, 11 January, 2022


Thursday, 3 February, 2022

Request detail: 

Good morning

Under the freedom of information act, please can you tell me how many incidents you attended in the calendar years 2020 and 2021 where the cause of the fire was an electronic scooter (e-scooter).

Harper Adams University


Thursday, 6 January, 2022


Monday, 31 January, 2022

Request detail: 

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible.

I would like to request the following information:

How many times have you attended Harper Adams University? What was the nature of these calls?

What has been the most common reason for you to be called to this address?

Are there incident reports I can access regarding Harper Adams?

I would like to receive the information for the last 7 years, in spreadsheet form where applicable

Incidents attended in 2021


Wednesday, 5 January, 2022


Tuesday, 1 February, 2022

Request detail: 

Please could you supply me detailes of incidents that the fire service have attended in 2021 with the following information

Date and Time of Call

Appliances Attended ( With the name of the station it came from and the Callsigns ) Specialist Vehicles that was In Attendance Eg. (HVP, EPU etc.) End Time (stood down) Personnel on The Appliances Type of Incident Location (street/ Town ) Premises Type Outcome (Primary / Secondary) What Equipment was Used at the incidents


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