19 June 2024


Wednesday, 19 June, 2024




AFC Telford United, New Bucks Head Stadium, Watling Street, Wellington, TF1 2TU


Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

Members are asked to elect a Chair for the ensuing year. 

02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

Members are asked to appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year. 

03 Apologies for Absence
04 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on, any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of the debate. 

05 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.  

06 Non-Exempt Fire Authority Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes, attached marked 6, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 21 February 2024, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. 

PDF icon 06 Non-exempt Fire Authority minutes 21 February 2024236.83 KB
For decision
07 Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes

Members are asked to note the minutes, attached marked 7, of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 20 March 2024. 

PDF icon 07 Strategy and Resource Committee minutes 20 March 2024256.23 KB
For information
08 Standards, Audit and Performance Committee Minutes

Members are asked to receive the minutes, attached marked 8, of the Standards, Audit and Performance Committee meeting, held on 23 May 2024 and agree the recommendations at items 7 and 11. These items are attached marked 8a and 8b respectively. 

PDF icon 08 Standards Audit and Performance Committee minutes 23 May 2024252.71 KB
PDF icon 08a Report on Code of Corporate Governance 2023-2462.91 KB
PDF icon 08a Appendix Code of Corporate Governance 2023-24433.93 KB
PDF icon 08b Review of Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy 2024-2574.78 KB
PDF icon 08b Appendix Draft Anti Fraud Bribery and Corruption Strategy 2024-25125.74 KB
For decision
09 Constitutional Issues
09a Committee Composition and Allocation of Seats to Political Groups

This report, attached marked 9a, asks the Fire Authority to agree both the composition of its Committees and the allocations of seats on its Committees to political groups. 

PDF icon 09a Report on Committee Composition and Allocation of Seats 202466.43 KB
PDF icon 09a Appendix Committee Composition and Allocation of Seats 202470.46 KB
For decision
09b Committee Membership and Appointments

This report, attached marked 9b, asks the Fire Authority to confirm appointments to its committees; to agree the appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs to serve on committees; to appoint its representative on the Local Government Association Fire Services Commission; and to appoint its Member Champions. 

PDF icon 09b Report on Committee Membership 202475.97 KB
PDF icon Appendix Membership of Committees 202455.18 KB
For decision
09c Fire Authority Terms of Reference and Committee Constitutions

This report, attached marked 9c, requests approval of the Terms of Reference for the Fire Authority and also asks the Fire Authority to agree the constitutions of its Committees. 

PDF icon 09c Report on Fire Authority and Committee Constitutions 2024115.94 KB
PDF icon 09c Appendix A 2024 Fire Authority Terms of Reference164.97 KB
PDF icon 09c Appendix B 2024 Fire Authority Committees Terms of Reference151.27 KB
For decision
09d Review of Member Role Descriptions

This report, attached marked 9d, asks the Fire Authority to review and agree its Member Role Descriptions. 

PDF icon 09d Report on Members Role Descriptions 202469.36 KB
PDF icon 09d Appendices A-F Members Role Descriptions 2024138.11 KB
For decision
09e Review of Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation to Officers

This report, attached marked 9e, reviews the Fire Authority’s Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business, Standing Orders relating to Contracts and Scheme of Delegation to Officers and asks Members to consider and decide upon the amendments proposed. 

PDF icon 09e report on Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation 202477.33 KB
PDF icon 09e Appendix A Scheme of Delegations for Proceedings of Business 2024287.81 KB
PDF icon 09e Appendix B Contract Standing Orders 2024213.94 KB
PDF icon 09e Appendix C Joint Financial Regulations Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service921.36 KB
PDF icon 09e Appendix D Scheme of Delegation 2024147.42 KB
For decision
09f Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference

This report, attached marked 9f, seeks feedback from the Fire Authority in relation to the development of a Scrutiny Committee and the attached Terms of Reference.

PDF icon 09f Fire Authority Scrutiny Committee Report94.79 KB
PDF icon 09f Appendix DRAFT Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference147.45 KB
For information
09g Disciplinary Procedures for Relevant Officers

This report, attched marked 9g, asks the Fire Authority to agree disciplinary procedures for relevant officers. 

PDF icon 09g - Report on Disciplinary Procedures for Relevant Officers62.24 KB
PDF icon Appendix A Disciplinary Procedure for Relevant Officers165.87 KB
PDF icon Appendices B to D Disciplinary Procedures117.74 KB
For decision
10 Financial Performance to March 2024

This report, attached marked 10, provides information on the financial performance of the Service, and seeks approval for action, where necessary.

PDF icon 10 Report on financial Performance to March 2024151.88 KB
For decision
11 Statement of Accounts 2023/24

This report, attached marked 11, sets out the key revenue issues, which have arisen from work on the Statement of Accounts 2023/24 and seeks approval for use of the General Fund balance in 2024/25.

PDF icon 11 Report on Statement of Accounts 2023-24173.02 KB
For decision
12 Strategic Planning Process Timetable 2025/26

This report, attached marked 12, outlines how the Service will continue to align service, financial and improvement planning, the result of which will culminate in the 2024/25 budget and the publication of the 2025/26 Annual Plan. 

PDF icon 12 Report on Strategic Planning Process timetable 2025-2667.31 KB
PDF icon 12 Appendix Strategic Planning Process Timetable 2025-2699.44 KB
For decision
13 Annual Report on Collaborative and Partnership Working

This report, attached marked 13, provides an overview of collaborative and partnership working being undertaken by the Fire Authority and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. It also includes an update on contracts and the link to business continuity.

PDF icon 13 Annual Report on Collaborative and Partnership Working112.19 KB
For information
14 Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2023/24

This report, attached marked 14, informs Members about the corporate risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months. 

PDF icon 14 Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2023-24112.28 KB
For information
15 Operational Update

The Head of Area command to present an Operational Update to the Fire Authority, which will cover the previous three months of Service activity, this item will follow at the next meeting.

For information
16 Exclusion of Press and Public

Members have a discretion to exclude the press and public from meetings of the Fire Authority in defined circumstances.  In view of the nature of business to be transacted, it is recommended that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, having been satisfied in all the circumstances of the case that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing this information, that Members formally resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. 

For decision
17 Exempt Fire Authority Minutes (Paragraphs 1,2,3 and 5)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 21 February 2024, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. 

For decision
18 Exempt Standards, Audit and Performance Committee Minutes (Paragraph 4)

Members are asked to note the minutes of the Standards, Audit and Performance Committee meeting, held on 23 May 2024. 

For information
19 Exempt Appendix B to Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2023/24 (Paragraphs 3 and 4)

This paper is the exempt Appendix B to Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2023/24. 

For information
20 Exempt Fire Authority Minutes (Paragraphs 1,2,3 and 5)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Extraordinary Fire Authority meeting, held on 8 May 2024, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

For decision
21 Exempt Fire Authority Minutes (Paragraphs 1,2,3 and 5)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Extraordinary Fire Authority meeting, held on 29 May 2024, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

For decision
22 Update on Leadership Arrangements (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 5)

This report will update the Fire Authority on current leadership arrangements. 

For decision