
21st February, 2018

A newly qualified Bridgnorth firefighter saved a woman’s life in a house fire on her first ever 999 call, just eight days after finishing her training.

Alice Stanley (42), who only joined Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service as an on call...

19th February, 2018


Shropshire Fire Officers hurtled downstream in fast flowing water on one of the coldest days of the year to experience what it was like to be rescued as part of a training course.

It was management training with a difference for...

14th February, 2018

How do we pay for your service?

We receive around 27% of our budget from government grant and business rates, with the balance coming from council tax.

Government grant has been decreasing since 2011/12, and we have reduced our...

2nd February, 2018


Animals which struggle to survive after breathing in smoke in Shropshire house fires now have a much better chance of survival after a successful campaign to stock all county fire engines with pet sized oxygen masks.
