Newport Recruitment Morning

14th April, 2012
9am - 1pm


Newport Fire Station

Newport Fire Station will be holding a recruitment morning on Saturday 14th April 9am until 1pm, with an aim of recruiting new retained fire fighters for the town.

The event which is being held at the Fire Station on Salter’s Lane, Newport is being run as a number of people have recently retired from the Service.

There will be displays of equipment and information on the application, recruitment and training processes that any applicant will need to complete.

Watch Manager Adam Matthews, Officer in Charge of the station said “We are hoping to get a high response from session. We are down on staff numbers who are able to respond to emergency calls on the appliance during week days between 08:00 in the morning and 18:00 in the evening, and would welcome applications from anyone who can cover these hours. If you live or work within five minutes of Newport Fire Station, are over 18 and looking for an exciting spare time opportunity, the Retained Fire Service may be for you”

Poster and flyers advertising the event have been placed around the town. If anyone has any questions or wishes to collect an application form, they are invited to attend on the morning.
