

Request detail: 

 I would like to request some information under the freedom of information act.

I would like the organisation to provide me with the following departmental documents around ICT and corporate procurement.

Many organisations within your region have different document title names:

1. 2023/24 IT Department Documents ;-  these types of documents have detailed information on the department's future plans and strategies. These documents could include:

ICT Strategy/Plan, ICT Department Plan, ICT Financial Plan

2. ICT Org Chart ;- with names and job titles

3. Corporate Procurement Strategy that covers 2023/24 and more.

For all the documents I have requested, please provide me with the 2023/24 documents, I only want to only receive documents that are live and valid. If the document is a strategic plan (e.g. 2020-2025) that covers a set number of years, please provide me with the 2023 version.

I also require the full version of the documents i have requested, if any parts of the document is missing, please state this in the response

If this cannot be provided, please provide me with information on when this version will be available.

Response detail: 

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer below for the information requested.

Q1 ICT strategy: See attached, please note all names have been removed. This information is considered third party personal data and is withheld under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as disclosure would breach the first principle of the Data Protection Act 2018.  Section 40 is an absolute exemption and is therefore not subject to the public interest test.   

Q2 ICT Org chart: See attached, please note names have been removed. This information is considered third party personal data and is withheld under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as disclosure would breach the first principle of the Data Protection Act 2018.  Section 40 is an absolute exemption and is therefore not subject to the public interest test.   

Q3 Corporate Procurement Strategy that covers 2023/24 and more: Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) does not have a current Service procurement strategy as a single document. This is addressed mainly through our asset management strategies. Please find these strategies attached - SFRS Fleet Strategy and Property Strategy 2018-2023.

Information Released: 



Wednesday, 15 February, 2023


Monday, 13 March, 2023

