Request detail:
As part of our research, we would like to know:
The total number of male pensioners (firefighters) you have in each of the age groups specified below in each year (2000-2021) (i.e. those who you pay a pension to because of firefighter service.
The total number of pension scheme members (male firefighters) who died each year for 2000 to 2021 (i.e. as a total number -not divided by age categories).
Whether in your pension scheme you include: retained duty system firefighters (on-call) and fire control (operators)?
Thank you in advance for your help. If any further details or clarifications are needed, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Response detail:
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for the information requested for question 1 and 2. For question 3, I can confirm that the pension scheme includes retained duty system (on-call) firefighters, but does not include Fire Control operators who are in the Local Government Pension Scheme.