@OswestryAdv Thanks for the RT
Yesterday had 4 calls to fires in Oswestry. A car fire and 3 other fires. Any info, contact @WMerciaPolice on 101 or @CrimestoppersUK.
Morning everyone, Delyth here. Just working on content for our new website, not live yet, but it will be soon!
@Newport_Events Newport fire station open day Saturday 26th April between 10:00 and 15:00 all welcome
Safety at work team attending @RAF_Cosford planning meeting for the air show.
Off to train staff from @alzheimerssoc in Telford. Raising fire safety awareness for staff that support and visit peoples' homes.
I'm at the festival centre in Market Drayton this morning for senior safety day hosted by @ShropshireRCC
Morning all, Delyth here. Great response to test it Tuesday this week and the Brookside day of action. Have a good day!
@SFRSLouiseM Thank you for following. Look forward to reading your tweets.
@DTPrice91 Thank you for following
@lisylou73 Thank you for the RT
@SamDWilliams Thanks for following.
My week on twitter: 28 New Followers, 9 Mentions, 30.4K Mention Reach, 15 Replies, 5 Retweets. via
Today we are in Brookside working with @brooksidecops talking to residents about fire safety
It's Tuesday, and that means it's Test it Tuesday time! Check on your smoke alarm today and hear the beep. #Testittuesday
Sunday, 03.22hrs, we were called to a car fire in Lutton Close, 2 other vehicles involved. Any information, call 101 or @CrimestoppersUK
@ShropCouncil Hi Cait - all fire engines at Shrewsbury at the moment. Off to telford station to speak to the watch managers.
Morning everyone. Hope you have a good day. Delyth here today.