We are looking forward to meeting the finalists from the youth quiz, coming to the Telford bowling alley tonight. Give result later
@clang15860869 Hi, it depends on what exactly you would want & the type of the group. Please call community fire safety on 01743 260260.
@PJF605 Thank you for following us. Look forward to reading your tweets
@AndyBlizard999 Thank you for following us
@Delythkelly Thanks for the follow
RT @HWFireControl: Incident 1st Apr 08:27, House Fire Greete Ludlow, assisting @shropsfire with fire involving oil fire boiler property ven…
Good morning everyone, please allow some extra time when driving this morning due to the Fog. Take care drive safely.
20 Firefighters at a farm near Hookagate, Shrewsbury, Grain Dryer on Fire.
@WMTBearings Thanks for following
@Headwayshrop Thanks for following
@toggsandcloggs7 Thanks for following
RT @EastSussexFRS: There are some wacky ways to test your smoke alarm – or you could just reach up and push the button!…
RT @SYFR: On Mother's Day show you care by testing the smoke alarms when you change the clocks, and buy flowers!! #TickTockTest...
Great! Good to hear you and your family are safe @nixonmn We are always available for fire safety tips #shropshire
RT @bluewatch23: TICK TOCK TEST your smoke alarm this weekend. It could save your life.
@nixonmn Nice to hear. The aerial ladder platform is impressive reaching 90 feet. We are around giving safety tips to other residents now
To help someone from the slope, Tweedale crew in the picture. @WMASHART we will look out for the quiz question next time. #Shropshire
@shrewsmorris Thank you for following.