
Chief Fire Officer To Retire


Shropshire’s Chief Fire Officer John Redmond has announced his retirement after a distinguished 32 year career in the Fire and Rescue Service.

He has led the county brigade through some of the harshest austerity measures ever to hit the fire service slashing £3 million off the budget while keeping open county fire stations faced with closure.

His time in charge was characterised by budget reductions and shrinking resources due the Government’s austerity programme. 

Wellington Firefighter Recruitment Campaign

A campaign to recruit more firefighters in Wellington has been launched by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

They want people who are physically fit and over 18 to consider a life as an “on call” firefighter especially those who can give cover during normal working hours.

Watch Manager Tony Talbot said: “We are looking for men and women to join the existing team of on-call firefighters based at Wellington.

Award For Lifesaving Shropshire Fire Crew


A fire crew from Wem have received an award from the Chief Fire Officer for saving an elderly man’s life on a 999 call.

They also received a big thank you from the man whose life they saved and his grateful wife who visited Wem Fire Station during last night's drill night.

John Luce (76) had collapsed in his back garden and his heart had stopped beating when firefighters raced to use a defibrillator to bring him back to life with seconds to spare.

Firefighter Recruitment Campaign

Wanted: “Ordinary” people to do an “extraordinary” job in Shropshire.

That is the job description for on call firefighters who respond to 999 calls in their local community.

The latest taster day when would be recruits can find out if they are “up to the challenge” will be held at Minsterley Fire Station on Saturday, November 28.

Men and women from across Shropshire are invited to attend the on call firefighting taster day organised by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Employees Recognised For "Outstanding" Contribution

Employees who have made an “outstanding” contribution to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service were recognised at the Celebration of Success event.

Group Commander Mark Donnelly said: “We want to recognise the achievements of members of the organisation who, through their hard work and diligence, have made an outstanding contribution to the service over the last 12 months.”

Chief Fire Officer John Redmond presented a number of certificates to members of staff.

New Recruits Join Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Firefighter recruits from Romania and Slovakia have joined Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Martin Tomanek and Bogdan Ciornei are among the latest intake of 23 on call firefighters to pass out at a Celebration of Success event at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, on Monday night. (November 9th)

They include four women firefighters – the highest number to join at the same time to bring the total to 20 across Shropshire.

Dyslexia Is A "Gift," Says Shropshire Firefighter


Word is spreading about a successful scheme helping to transform the lives of Shropshire employees with dyslexia.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, with a higher ratio of dyslexic staff than the 10 per cent population average, is one of a few public sector organisations to run a support programme acclaimed for changing the lives of staff with dyslexia and Meares Irlen syndrome.

On Call Firefighter Campaign


The first “taster” day of 2015 to encourage more people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds to join the fire service as on call firefighters has been held in Shropshire.

An Army veteran, ex-student, office worker and engineer turned up at Wellington Fire Station in Telford at the weekend to talk to firefighters, tour the station, watch equipment demonstrations and hear about the recruitment process and career information.

Wellington Fire Station Open Day


Firefighters will be in action to showcase their skills at an open day at Wellington Fire Station on Saturday, September 5.

Highlights include a demonstration from the brigade’s animal rescue team which featured on BBC Breakfast TV earlier this year.

There will also be an eye catching display of the ferocity of a chip pan fire, a variety of pump and ladder drills, as well as important advice on fire safety for the home and business.

"Destroyed" New Car Aids Shropshire Firefighters


A brand new car has been "destroyed" - but it’s all in a good cause to train the emergency services in Shropshire.

College students helped to strip down and rebuild the former demonstration car in their car maintenance classes.

The main pillars of the £30,000 black Chevrolet Captiva were completely sawn through so that the roof can be manually lifted off.


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