
Deputy Chief embarks on retirement

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS), Deputy Chief Fire Officer, has now retired after a total of 22 years’ service.

David Myers has been instrumental in helping transform the organisation into a sustainable service, fit for the future and in championing better working lives for staff.

Mr Myers said: “It has been a pleasure working in Shropshire and I want to thank everyone for their support and hard work over the few years I have been here.

New Assistant Chief Fire Officers appointed

New Assistant Chief Fire Officers appointed to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority, the body responsible for overseeing the work of the fire and rescue service, has announced the appointment of two, senior posts.

From January, the Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) posts will report directly to the Chief Fire Officer, filling one existing vacancy and replacing another - the current Deputy Chief Fire Officer (DCFO) – occupied by Dave Myers who retires in December

Open to All - Taster Sessions

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has overcome challenging COVID-19 regulations and announced the latest round of dates for its firefighter taster sessions next month.

Rigorous safety measures have been put in place allowing the sessions to continue despite a change in restrictions and will now happen on Wednesday, 7 and Wednesday, 14 October.

The taster days allow members of the public interested in joining the fire service, the opportunity to experience certain aspects of the role.

Wholetime firefighter taster day - BAME/Women/LGBT+

Be part of our future

Ever wondered what it takes to become a wholetime firefighter?

In preparation for recruitment later this year, come along to one of our taster days for:

  • Recruitment information
  • Career information
  • A chance to use firefighting equipment
  • A try-out of the physical tests
  • The opportunity to talk to some of our firefighters

This session is only open to those who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnics, women or LGBT+ and takes place at:

Wholetime firefighter taster day - Black, Asian and Minority ethnic groups

Be part of our future

Ever wondered what it takes to become a wholetime firefighter?

In preparation for recruitment later this year, come along to one of our taster days for:

  • Recruitment information
  • Career information
  • A chance to use firefighting equipment
  • A try-out of the physical tests
  • The opportunity to talk to some of our firefighters

This session is only open to those who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnics and takes place at:

Wholetime firefighter taster day - Women

Be part of our future

Ever wondered what it takes to become a wholetime firefighter?

In preparation for recruitment later this year, come along to one of our taster days for:

  • Recruitment information
  • Career information
  • A chance to use firefighting equipment
  • A try-out of the physical tests
  • The opportunity to talk to some of our firefighters

This session is only open to women and takes place at:

Wholetime firefighter taster day - LGBT+

Be part of our future

Ever wondered what it takes to become a wholetime firefighter?

In preparation for recruitment later this year, come along to one of our taster days for:

  • Recruitment information
  • Career information
  • A chance to use firefighting equipment
  • A try-out of the physical tests
  • The opportunity to talk to some of our firefighters

This session is only open to those who identify as LGBT+ and takes place at:

Wholetime firefighter taster day - Women

Be part of our future

Ever wondered what it takes to become a wholetime firefighter?

In preparation for recruitment later this year, come along to one of our taster days for:

  • Recruitment information
  • Career information
  • A chance to use firefighting equipment
  • A try-out of the physical tests
  • The opportunity to talk to some of our firefighters

This session is only open to women and takes place at:

Wholetime firefighter taster day - Black, Asian and Minority ethnic groups

Be part of our future

Ever wondered what it takes to become a wholetime firefighter?

In preparation for recruitment later this year, come along to one of our taster days for:

  • Recruitment information
  • Career information
  • A chance to use firefighting equipment
  • A try-out of the physical tests
  • The opportunity to talk to some of our firefighters

This session is only open to those who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnic people and takes place at:


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