
A Taste Of Firefighting - For Women

Women interested in a career as on call firefighters’ attended a successful taster session at Albrighton Fire Station.

One sent in an application form immediately after the event attended by six women from across the county.

During the session they toured the fire station, checked out the equipment aboard fire appliances, tried on fire kit and experienced wearing breathing apparatus under instruction from the Albrighton crew.

The visitors also talked to women firefighters which now total 23 in Shropshire.

A Taste Of Firefighting - For Women


More women are wanted to train as on-call firefighters by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service which is holding another “taster day” just for women at Albrighton Fire Station on Saturday, November 12.

Women who live within five minutes of one of Shropshire’s 23 fire stations are invited to attend the session at Albrighton Fire Station from 9.30am to midday to see what life is like as a firefighter.

Dyslexia Award Nomination


Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has been nominated for an award for its trailblazing work with employees with dyslexia.

The county fire service has been shortlisted for the Best Supportive Employer in the 2016 Dyslexia Awards – the first ceremony of its kind organised by a county dyslexic trainer to raise awareness about dyslexia.

About 70 staff out of more than 500 employees across the county’s 23 fire stations have been given support over the past nine years.

Firefighter Awards

A special award went to Shrewsbury’s Blue Watch whose firefighters host a day of fun and laughter for children from Chernobyl when they visit Shrewsbury Fire Station each year as part of a county wide charity event. 

It was presented at a Celebration of Success event held at Shrewsbury’s Theatre Severn to mark “the passing out” of newly trained firefighters.

Paul Gray, Richard Meadows, Andy Davies and Graham Carless received their award from Chief Fire Officer Rod Hammerton (pictured).

Shropshire's New Firefighter Recruits


Firefighters are sometimes the only people who can help when a “catastrophe” strikes in the community, says Shropshire’s fire chief.

“When their emergency pagers go off, day or night, they drop everything leaving behind half eaten meals or half mown lawns. The rest of the time they are waiting for the 999 call, knowing that at any moment they could be called to help someone in peril,” said chief fire officer, Rod Hammerton.

He was speaking at a Celebration of Success event held at Shrewsbury’s Theatre Severn to mark “the passing out” of newly trained firefighters.

Top Award for Fire Service Apprentice

Seventeen-year-old fire service apprentice Dan Adams this week clinched a top prize at the National Apprenticeship Awards.

Dan, who lives in Shrewsbury and joined Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service along with five other apprentices in July last year, fought off strong competition from almost 1,000 young hopefuls to collect a "High Commended" award at the event held in Hinckley, Leicestershire.

His entry will now be considered by a judging panel that will decide whether to send Dan on to the national final in London in January.

Floods of Praise For Firefighters


A Shropshire firefighter has been praised for the key role he played as part of the UK’s national resilience force battling the worst floods to hit the country for years.

Mac Harris, a firefighter for 28 years, was a top advisor to senior fire chiefs dealing with flooding which devastated towns and villages across the country last year.

On Call Firefighter Recruitment Campaign



A total of 13 people interested in a career as a Shropshire firefighter attended a “taster” session at Prees Fire Station.

Four women turned up to the event organised by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service which wants more women to join its ranks.

Attending the session were women aged between 23 and 54 including a Market Drayton farm manager, a prison service employee, residential care worker and a netball coach.

They learned what it takes to join the county’s 300 plus “on call” fully trained firefighters who deal with around the clock emergencies.

Fire Skills Training At Hospital


A major fire and rescue training exercise took place at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital when firefighters tested their skills in part of the former maternity building.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service used sections of the building to carry out realistic rescues using breathing apparatus and search and rescue techniques.

Fire officers also tested their communication, casualty handling and incident command procedures during the training event on July 9.

A total of 20 firefighters from Shrewsbury and Telford and four fire appliances were at the scene.

Firefighter Recruits Campaign


Wanted: “Ordinary” people to do an “extraordinary” job in Shropshire. That is the job description for on call firefighters who respond to 999 calls in their local community.

The latest taster day when would be recruits can find out if they are “up to the challenge” will be held at Prees Fire Station on Saturday, July 16.

Women and men from across Shropshire are invited to attend the on call firefighting taster day organised by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.


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