Bonfire letter to Shropshire residents from Safer Shropshire Partnership

Dear Resident,

Re: Bonfires

We appreciate that some parts of the community hold un-official communal bonfires. Whilst we do not condone these we do understand that historically these have been run in an appropriate manner and can provide an opportunity for our communities to enjoy a social event together.

We therefore ask that any group or individual planning a bonfire contacts Shrewsbury Town Council on 01743 281 010 with their request which will be considered on the grounds of health and safety and risk of disruption to surrounding areas.

Any unauthorised bonfires may be treated as fly-tipping and can result in prosecution.

When building a bonfire care must be taken to ensure it is an adequate distance from any property or other combustible structures or services It is recommended that any bonfires should be at least 18 metres away from buildings, trees, wooden fences, overhead cables, car parking areas or firework display areas. Bonfires must be continuously attended to, by responsible adults, when lit.

In an effort to prevent any anti-social behaviour occurring following these events, usually when lit bonfires are left unattended, we have arranged for the Shropshire Fire Service and the local police to extinguish all reported bonfires from 10pm during the period from the 1st November to the 8th November 2012.

Shropshire Council has agreed to remove any items deemed hazardous from the site of your bonfire prior to lighting it. This is to prevent the Shropshire Fire Service being called to extinguish any fire that is deemed hazardous. We would point out that the controlled burning of easily combustible material, such as wood, cardboard and dried garden waste, can be done without presenting unacceptable risk, the burning of plastics, tyres, oil, pressurised containers and other hazardous material is not acceptable. If householders are seen depositing this type of hazardous material at bonfire locations, then they are technically fly-tipping and enforcement action could result.

Should Anti-Social Behaviour be reported to either the Police, Shropshire Council, the Shropshire Fire Service or Severnside Housing, then these reports will be jointly investigated by all of these agencies and appropriate action will be taken against any perpetrator.
It is hoped by adopting the approach outlined above that you are able to enjoy a safe community event without having to endure the antisocial behaviour that has marred some of the bonfire celebrations in past years

24th October, 2012