Our new recruit, Bullseye a fully articulated mannequin rescue training horse, arrived at the weekend and has been safely assembled and stabled at Tong Park Farm Livery Yard.
At Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) the definition of animal rescue is;
The removal of an animal from a place of danger to a place of safety by the most humane method. With overriding regard for the safety and welfare of ourselves and members of the public.
To support our response to this type of incident SFRS currently has two Specialist Animal rescue training instructors, Firefighter Rob Sheppard from White Watch Wellington and also Crew Manager Steve Godfrey from Red Watch Wellington.
As a result of attending a large animal rescue training instructor course with Hampshire SFRS personnel will be trained in accordance to the standards and the syllabi as approved by the Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) National Animal Rescue Practitioners Forum.
SFRS believe that their crews having awareness of both animal and human behavior - supported by suitable animal rescue equipment and training will improve safety and the outcomes for all present at the scene of an incident.
SFRS are working closely with Harper Adams Agricultural College on an animal handling course to help fire fighters work safely in situations involving large animals.
To view further photographs of Bullseye, please visit our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/shropsfire