Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have been working on a partnership with West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) and the University Hospital Birmingham (UHB).
The aim of the project is to enhance our patient care and to improve survivability of casualties following burns trauma sustained at an incident.
West Midlands Fire Service and the UHB have a long standing partnership with the aim of enhancing patient care through continual improvement and innovation.
Following incidents here in Shropshire we were approached by the project organisers to help develop and incorporate the networking system. After a lot of work we are finally in position to start to roll out the project and “Go Live” with it on the 19th May 2014
Working with the UHB Burns Unit and the Midlands Burns Care Network a simple system has been designed and put into place to support the information required to assistance medical professionals treat burns casualties. The system ensures this crucial information arrives at the hospital with the patient, and in some cases even before the patent arrives, should it be required.
Within our region there are 5 specialist burns centres reaching as far as Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Leicestershire and West Midlands that are able to treat some of the most serious burns. With this in mind a burns victim injured in your area may be taken to any of these centres, depending on the care needed and availability of resources. Patients suffering burns are often transferred between these facilities depending on their medical equipment and its availability.
As a Fire and Rescue Service the information we are able to collect and pass over to the medical professionals is immense and has the potential to alter a patient’s chances of recovery. For this reason it is vital that we pass it as quickly as possible.