Businesses Urged Not to Overlook Fire Safety During COVID-19 Outbreak
As part of Business Safety Week, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is urging people who have made changes to business premises to comply with COVID-19 measures, to ensure fire safety remains a top priority.
The campaign runs from today, (Monday, 7 September) and aims to ensure businesses and their staff have the information needed to prevent, protect and respond to fire incidents in the workplace.
The call comes as many businesses have had to implement new ways of working due to the COVID-19 crisis such as one-way systems and additional screening. It reminds owners and Responsible Persons (RPs) to be mindful of the legal and moral responsibility to ensure premises remain safe from fire.
Businesses should ensure:
- New screens don’t obstruct smoke detection
- Enough staff are trained to support evacuation procedures
- Social distancing measures do not impact evacuation procedures, emergency escape routes or for the ability of emergency services to help
- Business are protected from arson
Jon Temple, head of Prevention & Protection - the teams that support communities and businesses with fire safety - said: "It's been a difficult and challenging time for so many people, but those involved in running a business should remember that fire can have a devastating impact with many never recovering after an incident.
“We want to help businesses stay safe by complying with fire safety legislation and are here to support them if they need advice and guidance.
“Premises may have had to bring in one-way systems, make changes to layouts in buildings or staff numbers may have changed. Please review fire risk assessments after any significant changes and help us to keep your business working safely.”
The campaign can be followed on Twitter by using #BusinessSafety2020 where daily tips and guidance will be published along with links to information about how to comply with legislation.
Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service will also be hosting virtual business fire safety webinars in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in attending, please email businessfiresafety@Shropshirefire.gov.uk to express your interest.
Additional advice can be found on the website or by calling 01743 260200 - ask for the duty fire safety officer.