Chair of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Authority confirmed

Councillor David Minnery (Independent) has been reappointed as Chair of the Fire Authority, overseeing the work of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, following its AGM (Wednesday 19 July)

Councillor Minnery has held the position of Chair for the past year and will remain in that role for another 12 months, with Councillor Richard Overton (Labour) continuing as Vice Chair.

The Fire Authority is a statutory body made up of a committee of local councillors from Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council.  It oversees the policy and service delivery of the Fire and Rescue Service.

Councillor Minnery, said: “I look forward to continuing as Chair of the Fire Authority and to working alongside Councillor Overton and my colleagues who make up the Fire Authority.

“We all recognise the service is going through challenging times but we are also positive that there is a bright future ahead. 

“Shropshire Fire and Rescue is a highly respected emergency service.  It works day in, day out delivering critical and core functions relating to fire safety, firefighting, attending road traffic collisions and other emergencies effectively and efficiently. 

“I am proud to continue to represent them as Chair of the Fire Authority.”

20th June, 2024