At a little after half past four yesterday afternoon Shropshire Fire and Rescue Fire Service received a call to a person trapped under a train at Hampton Loade Station, a small stop on the Severn Valley Railway.
Fire Crews from Bridgnorth and Tweedale along with the Incident Commander from Shrewsbury and a Rescue Tender from Wellington were dispatched to the scene where on arrival it was discovered that two members of the public were trapped underneath one of the carriages of a large steam train.
It appeared that the train was leaving the station when the couple stumbled and fell down onto the trackside between the carriage and the platform. Luckily the train was able to stop before causing further injuries.
Fire Crews working closely with Paramedics, Ambulance crews and Severn Valley Staff were quickly able to assess the situation and establish the quickest and safest way to rescue the elderly gentleman from underneath the carriage. Once he was released and taken to hospital, crews had full access to attend to the female casualty who was still trapped beneath the carriage and in a great deal of pain.
The lady, suffering from a serious leg injury and shock, was tended to by Medical crews alongside their colleagues from the Fire Service. An off duty Accident and Emergency Consultant, who happened to be at the scene, administered strong pain relieving drugs that helped the lady to deal with what was a very traumatic situation.
Once paramedics and fire crews were able to rescue her from underneath the train she was taken by the Air Ambulance to hospital.
At this time the condition of both casualties is unknown. West Mercia Police are conducting an investigation on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive and Ministry of Transport but early indications suggest that this was nothing more that a very unfortunate accident.